German/Italian Language Glass Painting Window Color Pattern Books for Christmas

These books all have removeable (except OZ-Creativ, which are integral) Pattern sheets (Vorlagebogen)

Christophorus Books

Window pictures for the Easter season (Fensterbilder für die Osterzeit) ISBN 3-419-56111-3

Easter ideas (Window Color Oster-Ideen) ISBN 3-419-56112-1

Window Color springtime (Window Color Frühlingszeit) ISBN 3-419-56158-X

Window Color Easter fun (Window Color Oster-Spaß) ISBN 3-419-56159-8

Easter eggs (Window Color Ostereier) ISBN 3-419-56236-5

Happy Easter time (Fröliche Osterzeit) ISBN 3-419-56237-3

Window Color Easter Festival (Window Color Osterfest) ISBN 3-419-56349-3

Window pictures Happy Easter (Fensterbilder Fröliche Osterern) ISBN 3-419-56462-7

Colorful Easter window (Buntes Osterfenster) ISBN 3-419-56463-5

Around Easter - we do handicrafts with paper (Rund um Ostern) ISBN 3-419-56464-3

Happy colorful Easter table (Fröliche bunter Ostertisch) ISBN 3-419-56465-1

Colorful Easter egg (Bunte Ostereier) ISBN 3-419-56466-X

Window Color Easter window (Window Color Osterfenster) ISBN 3-419-56467-8

Easter bunny Window Color (Osterhasen) ISBN 3-419-56468-6

Decoration ideas for Easter - with Window Color, velvet powder & felt (Deko-Ideen für Ostern) ISBN 3-419-56469-4

Colorful Easter time (Window Color Bunte Osterzeit) ISBN 3-419-56563-1

Window Color Happy Easter (Window Color Frohe Ostern) ISBN 3-419-56564-X

Ideas for spring & Easter (Deko-Ideen für Frühling & Ostern) ISBN 3-419-56566-6

Easter with window colors (Pasqua con i Window color) ISBN 88-8457-076-X (Italian)

Decorated eggs - with decoupage and window color (Uova Decorate) ISBN 88-8457-117-0 (Italian)

TOPP Books

Easter window pictures (Österliche Fensterbilder) ISBN 3-7724-1243-2

Spring lets its blue ribbon (Frühling lässt sein blaues Band…) ISBN 3-7724-2549-6

Spring is fun! (frühling macht laune!) ISBN 3-7724-2557-7

Happy Easter ((Frohe Ostern mit Window Color) ISBN 3-7724-2560-7

Spring is here (Der Frühling ist da) ISBN 3-7724-2563-1

Freshly hatched (Frish geschlupft) ISBN 3-7724-2714-6

Easter is coming (Ostern steht vor der Tür) ISBN 3-7724-2716-2

Spring in rows! (Raihen-weise Frühling!) ISBN 3-7724-2717-0

Funny painting (Lustige Maler EI) ISBN 3-7724-2718-9

Egg dance + single file (Eiertanz + Gänsemarsch) ISBN 3-7724-2719-7

Spring is in the air (Frühling liegt in de Luft) ISBN 3-7724-2720-0

Hey, spring at last (Huini, endlich Frühling!) ISBN 3-7724-2721-9

Spring meeting place (Treffpunkt Frühling) ISBN 3-7724-2883-5

Room decor in spring (Raumdekor im Frühling) ISBN 3-7724-2886-X

Easter ideas (Osterideen) ISBN 3-7724-3068-6

Fly into spring! (Flieg in den Frühling!) ISBN 3-7724-3069-4

Spring-fresh living (Frühlingsfrisches Wohnen) ISBN 3-7724-3072-4

Fun in spring (Spaß Frühling) ISBN 3-7724-3212-3

Spring craft fun with Windowcolor and clay box (Frühlings-bastelspaß) ISBN 3-7724-3213-1

Fragrant, delicate spring (Duftig-zarter Frühling) ISBN 3-7724-3217-4

Cheeky spring windows (Freche Frühlingsfenster) ISBN 3-7724-3327-8

Spring decorations for indoors and outdoors (Frühlingshafte Dekorationen) ISBN 3-7724-3332-4

Vielseidig Verlag Books

Look into spring - colorful & funny motifs (Schau in den Frühling) ISBN 3-930529-42-4

Happy Easter - happy easter motifs made of foam rubber with extra templates for window color (Happy Ostern) ISBN 3-930529-62-9

Hello spring - Scenes like in spring (Hallo Frühling) ISBN 3-930529-81-5

Eggs, Easter, springtime - sweet & decorative things made from a mix of materials (Eier, Ostern, Frühlingszeit) ISBN 3-935467-48-6

Chickens, rabbits, honey bees - spring cleaning for your window panes, cute things made of window color or wood (Hühner, Hasen, Honigbienen) ISBN 3-935467-49-4 (2)

Bunnies from the tube - funny spring ideas with window color or textile colors to iron on (Häschen aus der Tube) ISBN 3-935467-53-2

Sniff may... it smells like spring (Schnuppermai…) ISBN 3-935467-93-1

RICO Books

Easter greetings - 39 glass painting ideas (Ostergrüsse) ISBN 3-933554-74-8

Bunch of rabbits - 42 fresh spring times and decoration ideas (Hasenbande) ISBN 3-935763-09-3

Ücherzauber Books

Wonderful Easter world (Wunderbare Osterwelt!) ISBN 3-86545-227-6

Hooray, we're celebrating Easter (Hurra, wir feiern Ostern mit Window Color) ISBN 3-934757-32-4

Brauman Book

Spring and Easter window pictures (Frühjahr und Ostern) EAN4012404-151062

OZ Creativ Books

Happy Easter (Fröliche Osterern) ISBN 3-89858-007-5

Bunny fun and Easter eggs (Hasenspaß und Ostereier) ISBN 3-89858-054-7

Spring and Easter table decorations (Tischdekorationen) ISBN 3-89858-303-1

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