This is an original Jan 29, 1944 issue of Stars and Stripes London Edition from the Archives of Wartime Press.  We are releasing for sale some of our newspapers from our private holdings.

Article headlines in this issue are:


Vol. 4  No. 76  Monday, Jan. 31, 1944                        8 Pages


Greatest Bomb Assault Passes 72 Hrs. — Brunswick Battered After Record Raid on Frankfurt Saturday — Over 800 U.S. Heavies in 1,800-Ton Smash, First of 2 Giant Attacks; Berlin Is Hit Second Straight Night


13th Massive Blow Again Fires Nazi Capital


Forts, Libs Ravage Plane-Building Center (Capt. Walker Mahurin, Maj. Walter C. Beckham, 1/Lt. Robert S. Johnson)


Repatriates Describe Japanese' Murder, Rape and Torture (Frank Rostron, J. P. Powell, Gen. Jimmy Doolittle, Cmdr. Melvin H. McCoy, Ramon Lavalle)


Troop Vote 'Filibuster' Cry Heard - Senate Backers of Federal Regulation Angered by Moves to Belay Bill (Sen. Theodore Green, Sen. John H. Overton, Sen. Joseph H. Ball, Rep. Eugene Worley, Gov. Burke B. Hickenlooper)


A Little Squeal From a Big Rat — Hitler Forgets to Boast, Warns World of Russia


U.S. Units Split Near Cassino — Germans Divert Course Of River, Flood Yanks; Allies Gain Near Rome (Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark)


Thunderbolts  in  Italy Shoot Down 36 for 1


Eaker Leaves Doolittle A Crack WAC Stenog (Maj. Gen. James H. Doolittle, Lt. Gen. Ira C. Eaker, Sgt. Mary E. Gill)


The Figures Tell the Story


Heavy Snowfall Sweeps Midwest, Breaking Drought


U.S. Nurses So Seasick They Ignored Bombs South of Rome — Report to a Field Hospital After Nightmarish Trip In Storm-Tossed Sea / By Don Whitehead (Lucille Bertrand Welsh, Marguerite
Martin, Ruth Griffard, Martha Tate, Sybil Moseley, Sgt. Clyde Freshour, Kenneth Dixon)


Clark Under Direct Fire In Italy; Aides Injured (Gen. Mark Clark, John Daly, Capt. Beardwood, Pvt. Walter Kranson, Pvt. Walter Zilg, Burgess Scott)


British Unveil Their Own 'Bazooka' - The PIAT (Maj. Gen. Rowcraft)


Marshalls Get Fresh Pasting — Navy Carrier Fleet Rips Japanese Bases; Admiralty Isles Hit Again


Wants to Get to Reich So She Can Kiss Hitler's Foot (Miss Johanna Trieber, Judge Edward J. Moinet)


Battleship Missouri Launched (USS Missouri)


Gen. Royce Gets DSM (Maj. Gen. Ralph Royce)


Russian Patrols Within 20 Miles Of Estonia Line — Smyela, Nazi Strong point In Dnieper Bend and Key Base Near Nevel Fall


FDR Calls on the Nation For a Flood of Bond Cash


Better Late Than Never?


U.S. Pressure Applied to Spain In New Threat — Oil Shipments Are Banned For Month; Franco Aid To Hitler Is Cited


4 Brothers, Sisters Separated by War Reunited in Ulster (Miss Doris Thain, Miss Brownie Thain, Capt. Carl Thain, 1/Lt. Harold Thain, Clara and Lorenz)


James Stewart Honored (Maj. James Stewart, Robert Gordon Sproul)


AFN Radio Program


A GI Ulysses Goes 7,169 Miles With No Orders! — Aerial Hitch-Hiker Rides Out Storm Of Red Tape — Flabbergasted MPs Let Him Rejoin Outfit in ETO (Sgt. James G. Swarts Jr.)


ETO Art Show Entries Pour In - Famous Artists to Judge GIs' Work, on View Feb. 13 to 29 (Augustus John, R.A., Capt. Charles Cundall, A.R.A., and Ethel Gebain, Edwin Low, George Quarmby , G. E. Moody, A.R.E.; Charles Wheeler, R.A.; Capt. Edward Molyneaux, Mr. Bowler, Lt. Dave Breger, Sgt. Charles Brand)


Cruiser Flint Christened (Mayor Osmund Kelly, Mrs. R. W. Picther)


Mars Back in U.S. (Cmdr. Gene Tunney)


Iceland to See ETO's Shows — USO Entertainment to Be Sent Direct From U.K.; Programs Listed


Film Industry Investigates Fraudulent 'Oscar' Ballots


Week's Programs Are Listed By Out-of-London ARC Clubs


Orphans' Fund Nears £45,000 (Maj. Edward P. Sauer, Charles Lunn, Chaplain Morris E. Arnold)


Double Triumph Moves Iowa Into Big Ten Lead — Hawks Subdue Indiana Five, 43-42, 52-40 — Ohio State Keeps in Race With Twin Triumphs Over Michigan (Dave Danner)


King’s Scoring Fails To Stop Buckeyes (Tommy King, Don Grate, Jack Duggers)


Free Throws Aid DePaul to Win (George Mikan)


Seahawk String Cut at 12 By, Northwestern Victory (George Felt, Jerry Carle and Otto Graham


Quakers Edge Princeton In Overtime Tilt, 41-39 (Frank Crossin, Mike Shinkarik)


Terry and the Pirates / By Milton Caniff


He Floats Through the Air (Ed Younger, Jose Sarasa)


Cage Results


Van Mungo Reports (Van Lingle Mungo)


Brannick Still at Old Stand As New York Giant Secretary (Eddie Brannick, Laurance Brannick, Mark Roth, Jim Hagen, Eddie Eynon, John T, Brush,


Great Lakes’ Bluejackets Stop Toledo Five, 55-25 (Charles Joachim)


Special Service Five Wins


Budge Defeats Kramer, 7-5, 7-5 (Lt. Don Budge, Jack Kramer, Miss Mary Hardwick, Lt. Don
McNeil and Ensign Fred Schroeder)


Ford, Eli Tankman, Clips 100-Yard Mark (Johnny Weismuller)


Sports Sidelights (Bill DeCorrevant, Rog Terwilliger, Alfred Robertson, A. C. Burcky, Coach Pest Welch, Jug McSpaden, Ed Johnston, Jim West, Angelo Bertelli)


Help Wanted—And Given (Sgt. Clarence Ostwald, Douglas Pamplin, Edward Peller, Lt. Ted Peterson, John Popp, Vincent Provenzano, Phil Rasi, Miss Eleanor Reiger, ANC ; Lloyd Reynolds, Pvt. Asa R. Richardson, Pfc Joseph Roehls, Robert A. Romme; Lt. Charles Sawicki, Sgt. Gerald Skalski, Capt. David Stone, Joseph Lyn Suddeth, Lt. Harold P. G. H. Thomas; T/Sgt. Raymond TorinSteve Tufano, Rochester, N.Y. ; Pvt. Garrold Venem; Lt. Wilma R. Vinsant, Floyd Walton, Cpl. Roger F. Waterhouse, William
Werner, Lt. Stillman F. Westbrook, S/Sgt. Charles J. Wood, Sgt. Louise Woods, Sgt. Thomas McCarthy ; Sgt. William Cunningham, Melvin Rippons, Donald Peterson, T/Sgt. Carlton Fletcher; Sgt. Donovan Fuller, Sgt. Kenneth Campbell, Sgt. Larry Ashdown, Pfc Clarence D. Altig ; John Salesky, Lt. Marlin Retrum, Lt. Walter Palaszynski, Pvt. Ben Cabianco, Michael Giraci; Cpl Neil Hayes ; Cpl. Herman Wilburn, Van McNeal; Virgil Turnbull, George Moore, Gail Smith, William Judd ; Marvin Morris, and Marvin Bates, Cpl. R. L. Jewell, Cpl. Benjamin L. Vaughan, Pfc David S. Brodkin)


Beau Jack, Sammy Angott Go to a Draw in Garden — Largest Crowd Of Season Sees Furious Fight — Decision in Lightweight Bout Leaves Picture Stiff Muddled (Sammy Angott, Beau Jack, Judge Charley Dracott, Judge Marty Monroe)


LaMotta Beats Bulldog Harris (Jake LaMotta, Ossie “Bulldog” Harris, Fritzie Zivic)


Hockey League Standings


Hockey Results


Boston Yankee Eleven Signs Up First Member (Parker Dilley, Bill Shea)


Hot Red Wings Slap Bruins, 6-1 — Winners Roll Into Tie With Leafs for Second Place Slot (Mud Bruneteau, Carl Liscombe, Jimmy Franks, Bert Gardiner, Syd Howe, Flash Hollett, Mud Bruneteau, Buzz Boll)


Hawks Advance, Stop Leafs, 4-3 — Chicago Sextet Moves Up To Within One Point Of Fourth Place (Bill Mosienko, Mush Marsh, Jack MacLean, Jack Hamilton, Tom O’Neill, Gus Bodner, Babe Pratt, Clint Smith, Doug Bentley)


Gridman Kenna Sparks Army to 55-37 Margin (Doug Kenna, Johnny Austin)


Cardinals Sign Campbell, Shirley to Prop Hill Staff (Ray Campbell, Newman Shirley)


Gray, One-Armed Outfielder, Named By Philly Scribes (Pete Gray)


Middies Take Duke, 45—42


The Chemist Clicks (Bill Hulse) By Pap


New Dodger Secretary Keeps Up Tradition (Harold Parrott)


Eagles Hammer Sky Train, 6-3 — Airborne Ringmen Come Back After Loss At Rainbow (Pvt. Louis Martinez, Pfc Lynwood Craighead, Cpl. Bob Greene, Pvt. Jimmy Clemmons, Pvt. Lincoln Keeler, Pvt. Ben McIntosh, Pvt. George Montello, Sgt. Ted Kaus, Dunkirk, Sgt. Gill Morton, Sgt. Stanley Stocking, Pvt. Russ Remirez, Pvt. Horace Vick,  Sgt. Hewitt Tippens, Pvt. Ralph Tombano, Pvt. Ed Weeks, Pvt. Glenn Reed, Pvt. Mark Majewsky, Cpl. Andy Sfrisi, Sgt. John Flores)


Pavone Outlasts Lenny Sargent (Tony Pavone, Pvt. Leonard Sargent, Pvt. Caesar Romero, Pfc Lee Mills, Cpl. Baltasar Diaz, Cpl. Bill Demand, Pvt. Ed Lang, Pvt. Sidney Adler, Pvt. Robert Black, Pvt. Frank Brown, Pvt. Fred Rogers, Pvt. Joe Caruso, Pvt. Victor Salcas, Cpl. Tony Lanava, Cpl. Leo DuMouchel, Sgt. Ernest Sanchez)


Semi-Pros Propose Plan For Baseball Schools (Ray Dumont)


CBS Standings Stay Unchanged In Cage Loops — Peeps, Rangers, HQ Fives Set Pace for Second Straight Week (Sgt. Harvey Rife, Cpl. James White, Pvt. Vincent Abresch, Pfc Sol Rice, Sgt. Dominic Restifo, Sgt. Pat Delila, Pfc James McNamara, Cpl. George Stakais, Cpl. Charles Gettel Jr., Pvt. Robert
Muchler, Sgt. Welsey Sager, Pfc Jack Leifer)


Hack Quitting Diamond To Tend Cattle Ranch (Stanley Hack)


Unworthy Bushido


The Sandwich


Hash Marks (Capt. Robert Pierce, Carl Nixon)


Mail U.S. Prisoners' Biggest Plea - Nazis Threatens Seizure Of U.S. Prisoners' Mail (Frank C. Walker)


Here Are Some Tips On How You in ETO May Write / By Richard Wilbur (John Barwick)


News From Home

East Still Shy Of Coal, Ickes Warns Miners — Solid Fuels Chief Issues A Call for Increased Anthracite Output (Harold L. Ickes)


Students in Protest Strike (J. Ernest Wright)


Seek to Annul Marriage (Maj. Glenn E. Hagenbuch, Margaret Spaeth)


Pajamas, a Luxury


Bill Robinson Weds


A New Atlanta (Cruiser)


4-Time Mayor Dies (Malcolm W. Cross)


Navy Gets Army Post (Plattsburg)


Asleep on the Job — The Fourth Estate Is Put to the Test, And It Passes—Out (Robert Brownell)


Village Without a Cop Gets Rid of Its Jail, Too


William Allen White Dies at Emporia


WLB Rule on Unions Held Unconstitutional


Lehman Outlines Policy For Aid to Nazi Victims (Herbert H. Lehman)


NATs Increase Supply Power — Navy Transport Command Grows from One Plane To 10 Squadrons


Subs Taking as Prisoners Key Men of Sunken Ships (Capt. Owen Harvey Reed)


Captured Stores Explode a Myth — Navy Finds Out the Japanese Soldier Lives on More Than Fish, Rice (Lt. Cmdr. Clive M. McCay)


Maternity, Infant Aid Given Kin of 30,000 Servicemen (Miss Katharine R. Lenreet)

Modernized Constitution For N.J. Is Urged by Edge (Gov. Walter E. Edge)


322nd Kaiser Ship (The Peter Moran)


Diane By Jean Baird


Male Call By Milton Caniff


Blondie By Chic Young


Favorite Of The Fleet (Rhonda Fleming)


An Axis To Grind (Jesse L. McCoy)

The paper is in used condition with fraying and small tears as would be expected from a WWII era war zone publication.  Some light  discoloration in this issue.

We do combine shipping to save on shipping expenses for the buyer. If you have multiple wins please contact us to combine shipping if it does not show up in the invoice.

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