EP / GP FRP The "SWORDER-Mark II" Outrigger Hydroplane Racer Pro Boat Hull

This is an upgrade Mark-II version of the original Sworder Outrigger from Oshmens Hobbies.
Mainly constructed with an extra layer of glass fiber cloth, and hence providing an extra strength for Stronger power system & propulsion force.

Besides, The Sworder-Mark II, will be coming the carbon fiber made turn fin, which is adjustable position by moving forward or backward as shown in the photos.

 remark: This is a Hull version, that means metal hardwares need to be prepared by customers.

Boat TypeOutrigger
Package TypeAssembled
Length (mm)740
Width (mm)515
Height (mm)110
MaterialEpoxy Fiberglass
Rudder Length (mm)75
Propeller Size34*35*13
Net Weight (kg)0.88
Gross Weight (kg)1.27
Free ShippingNo

Remarks & Policy:

  • Customs and import charges
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  • Return Shipping cost : 100% Pay by Customer
  • We have insured your parcel, but if the box was delivered in a damaged condition, please don't accept, and report to you local post office as well as our Customer Service.  You need to get a damage proof document , from your local Post office for us to claim the damage insurance. Please take photos of the damaged package / box and sending to us asap.
    eg. ( for USA ,  you may need to get the PS Form 3831, Receipt for Article(s) Damaged, from local USPS office)