Super Magic

Mekong River Stones, Auspicious Stones, Power Beyond Leklai
Pathavithat - , Sacred Items on the Mekong River, Power over LekLai

Beautiful Stunning Amulet .

good for charms wealth and business trading powerful and protection .


Product Description





Supreme Pathavithat Ball LEKLAI Kaew Glass super AMULET

Shape : Ball

SIZE : 3.5 cm

color : RED


Material : Like Glass but found in the Khong river . ( Super Magic sacred holy natural glass )


Naga Ball , Mekong River Stones, Auspicious Stones, Power Beyond Leklai
Pathavithat, Sacred Items on the Mekong River, Power over Lek

Pathavithat history .

from the natural mysteries of the Mekong River. Supernatural beliefs and experiences of countless worshipers, invulnerable,

invulnerable, safe, fortune, great mercy, can be soaked in oil to cure black magic and clear the mysteries. and can increase the power of vapor touch in the worshiper as much as possible

Earth element: It is a stone in the water that has been cut from nature for hundreds and thousands of years until the light can pass through.

When you put your hand to cover the earth, it will be seen and must be a stone from under the Mekong River at the location that you have specified to collect only. because the serpent gave him the same This stone that was consecrated by the Naga was considered a psychic element born from the wind element, possessed by the spiritual psychic, most of which these psychics attained the highest level of enlightenment and received spiritual prayers from the Elder. His majesty can be said to have miraculous powers. and power Superior than remade and giving you to the owner All of them create miracles and experiences for countless worshipers.

Both stories are invulnerable, invulnerable, safe, fortune, and popular mercy can be soaked in water to make holy water to cure the occult. To get good results, you should be able to touch the user's vapor as much as possible.

Pathavithat differs from amulets in that the gravel from the Mekong River that Luang Pu has brought to pray them.

Nagas were considered one of his treasures. So those pebbles had their energy attached to them. and when we are prayed with a complex mental process that is difficult for us to understand It will cause those gravel to produce enormous energy that we do not understand anymore. how can that be




Very good for Lucky , Love , Healing and Protection















and also for your valuable collectible thing .


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We are expert collector and trader buddha amulets , antiques , Talismans items from Thailand & Southeast Asia.
We open amulet store in Thailand too.


All of our Amulets are 100 % Satisfaction guarantee and either straight from the temple or from very reliable sources including dealers and collectors
around Thailand with whom we are afilliated.

You can trust that the items are Rare, Sacred, Genuine and beautiful Items.