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Ctesiphon Books







CHARLOTTESVILLE:     First Edition  1972


Publisher/Year: CHARLOTTESVILLE:  University Press of Virginia, First Edition  1972.
Binding: Original Cloth Hardcover, 24x15cm.
Pages: 157
Illustrations: 2 Maps.

   Please see book CONDITION at end    жжж

Rouhollah Karegar Ramazani  (1928-?)

Ruhi Ramazani is professor emeritus in the Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics at the University of Virginia, where he has been since 1952. He chaired his department twice. His visiting professorships include the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, University of Cambridge (England), and American University of Beirut. Ramazani has lectured in more than 30 cities overseas. He has served as vice president of the American Institute of Iranian Studies, on the Board of Governors of the Middle East Institute, and as an adviser to the International Relations Program of the Rockefeller Foundation. He is currently an adviser to the International Center for Jefferson Studies.
Ramazani’s numerous books include The Foreign Policy of Iran, 1500-1941: A Developing Nation in World Affairs; The Persian Gulf: Iran’s Role; Iran’s Foreign Policy, 1941-1975: A Study of Foreign Policy in Modernizing Nations; The Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz; The United States and Iran; Revolutionary Iran: Challenge and Response in the Middle East; and Northern Tier: Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey. He has published over 150 articles and book chapters, edited several books, and his op-eds have appeared in numerous newspapers. He serves on the editorial boards of the Middle East Journal, the Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, and the Journal of the Center for Iranian Research and Analysis.
Ramazani has been a consultant to President Jimmy Carter; the U.S. departments of State, Defense, and Treasury; the U.N. secretariat general; and the foreign ministries of Britain, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, Spain, and Turkey.






Maps & Tables

From Preface ...

THE implications of the unfolding Persian Gulf situation for world politics extend far beyond the emergence of a new zone of Soviet-American rivalry. The Gulf situation is marked by far-reaching revolutionary changes within the region itself. The Persian Gulf states are gripped by four types of revolution, which Professor Gabriel Almond suggests exist in the societies of all "new nations." They must cope in varying degrees with "national," "authority," "participation," and "welfare" revolutions. I must also add a fifth revolution, namely, "foreign-policy revolution." I do so because the British departure and the emerging Soviet-American postures in the Gulf area are creating an entirely new environment for the foreign policy of the Persian Gulf states. Whether it is Saudi Arabia, the Gulfs largest state, or Iran, the most powerful state, or the Union of Arab Emirates, the newest state, every Gulf state simultaneously faces the problems of national integration, establishment and centralization of legitimate authority, increasing demands for popular participation in decision-making, the need for social and economic development, and greater freedom of action in world affairs.

Thus, the regional dimension of the Gulf situation far exceeds mere interstate power relationships. To be sure, the inter-Arab, Irano-Arab, Arab-Israeli, and Irano-Israeli relations are deeply affected by the new situation in the Persian Gulf, but the struggle for power and prestige is only one major aspect of the conflict. Deep-seated cultural, ideological, and political antagonisms are also involved, and in the last analysis, the struggle for a place in the Persian Gulf is involved with the fundamental search for national identity. For this important reason better understanding of the Persian Gulf situation as a new center of world politics must include examination of the foundations as well as the development of perceptions, interests, and policies of the Persian Gulf states.
The role of Iran is the most prominent regional element in the Persian Gulf situation. In the entire Gulf area, Iran is the strongest power, the upcoming leading producer of oil, the closest ally of the United States, the recipient of the largest amount of American military and economic aid and private investment, the most rapidly developing society, and the only neighbor of the Soviet Union. This study's primary aim is to clarify the role of Iran in the Persian Gulf by examining the relevant foundations and development of Iranian interests and policy. In fulfilling this objective four basic assumptions are made: (1) that Iran's role may be clarified by combining analysis of domestic social and political developments with economic, strategic, psychological, and cultural considerations; (2) that deeper understanding may be achieved by examining these factors in historical perspective; (3) that the perceptions and policies of regional and other interested powers are as important as the dynamics of Iran's own domestic politics; and, (4) that it is both feasible and desirable to speculate about Iran's role in the future by extrapolating from established trends.


Contents ...



  1. Patterns of Continuity and Change in Iran's Role in the Persian Gulf

    • A Middle Eastern Land

      • Emergent Boundaries

      • Gulf Ports: Windows on the High Seas

    • Historical Role

      • Ancient Gulf: The "Persian Sea"?

      • Modern Shahs and the Gulf

      • Iran Resents British Supremacy in the Gulf

      • Riza Shah Reasserts Iran's Role in the Gulf

      • Past Is Present

  2. Political Interests and Problems

    • Muhammad Riza Shah's Rise to Power

    • Irano-Arab Cold War

    • Clashing Perceptions and Policies

    • Ancient Problems and New Contingencies

      • Shatt al-Arab

      • Bahrain

      • At the Strait of Hormuz

  3. Economic Interests

    • Oil Interests

      • Oil on Land and Offshore

      • Oil Transport

      • Oil Revenue and Economic Development

    • The Gulf as Iran's Artery

    • The Gulf as a Market

    • Fishing Potential

  4. Persian Gulf Security: Problems and Prospects

    • Alternative Security Arrangements

    • Iran: Leader in Partnership?

    • The Dilemma of Political Stability

    • Superpowers and the Persian Gulf

  5. Looking Ahead



A 1937 Irano-Iraqi Boundary Treaty B United Nations Mission to Bahrain C Sheikh of Sharja's Announcement of the Abu Musa Agreement D Premier Hoveyda's Statement on Abu

Musa and the Two Tumbs E Shah's Press Interview, January 1972

Selected Bibliography



Maps ...

  1. Iran and the Middle East

  2. The Persian Gulf

Tables ...

  1. Crude oil production in the Middle East, 1965-70

  2. Imports and exports at Iranian ports, 1958-71

  3. Iran's exports to Persian Gulf states, March 1958-March 1965

  4. Iran's exports to Persian Gulf states, Soviet Union, West Germany, United States, and Great Britain, 1967/68 and 1970/71

  5. Military capability of the major Persian Gulf states

  6. U.S. economic and military aid to Iran, 1946-70


Condition ...

Corners and edges slightly rubbed, library copy with stamp and stickers, otherwise book in good condition.




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