The Best Leklai Master in Thailand

Por Kai top best Leklai master ,

Por Kai is Lp somporn's Professor .


Product Description



Natural (Ruesi Hermit - Por gae) Kod Phee Black Leklai

Mini Statue


(Ruesi Hermit - Por gae) 

from Leklai ceremony at cave

SIZE : 2*3.5 cm

Natural rare Leklai

Very very good item - nice powerful collection .


(Ruesi Hermit - Por gae)


Phor Kae Lersi is a person who lives, to some degree, in seclusion from society to come closer to the deity or deities they worship or revere, to devote one's energies to self-liberation from samsara the hermit seeks solitude for meditation,

contemplation, and prayer without the distractions of contact with human society, sex, or the need to maintain socially acceptable standards of cleanliness or dress.


"Phor-poo-lersri ( พ่อปู่ฤษี) is same as the great teacher of monk and master in thailand , he is not only the observer religious precepts, but also has much knowledge, sciences and so on.The venerable lersri tradition is therefore linked to the Buddhist tradition, and its practioners were hermits of sundry ascetic practices that nowadays are totally forgotten, as well as in touch with diverse practices from the Hindu and Animist traditions, one of their main principles being that extreme purification of one's body leads to purification of one's spirit in the attainment of Awakening.From the origin the lersri enjoyed a lot of freedom in their life and Spiritual practice, having no fixed organization to watch over them and give them order, so they were living free lives, being living example of the joy there is to be a Holy man and help other being by miraculous ways.

The ancient teachers pay respects of Phor-poo-lersri as the highest teachers who have many benefits that teach to the students willingly.

The highest teachers have built Phra lersri's picture of worshipping.

And the latter period of time also go to worship "phra ersi" in order to make a merit.The one who prepossessing "Phorpoo lersri " must honest in his occupation, strongly pay attention to Phor Poo will receive a good thing. Phorpoo lersri will bring that one prosperous, charming and selling, and also protect him out of the devils, dangerous as the glass for making everything as he wants and succeeds. The merit of worshipping Phorpoo lersri is for the one who worship will receive the protection, has a charming and great kindness, succeed in duty and responsibility and has a luck and money, be richer and richer.




Por Gae Lersi, is a highly revered Thai Lersi Deity of Ancient Renown.


There are many Legends about many different Lersi. One of the Lersi to be found so often mentioned in Thai Mythology, is Por Gae Lersi Thai Fai. (Sometimes spelled “Pho Kae Ta Fai”).


The legend of Highly Developed Beings has been told in different Mythologies and Cultures around the world. In Thailand there are also various legends of “Pu Wised”, or Lersi , Arahants or Yogis. These Lersi are said to have possessed various powers, such as Knowledge of herbal medicines, minerals, magical invocations, and supernatural abilities, such as Levitation, Teleportation, Alchemy, and Mind Reading.


These beings with special powers are reputed to have lived recluse lives in the forest, on mountains, or in caves; practicing meditative skills and mental development using secret methods passed on from mouth to ear by their fore-goers/masters.

Por Gae is the Boroma Kroo (Guru Master) of the Wicha of Sak Yant, Saiyasart, as well as many other Wicha such as healing using psychic energy, herbal potions, and the Mastery of crystals and elements, minerals and the like.


The Ruesi are all Masters in the lineage of Por Gae Narod, and the Great master Ruesi Pra Isworn (Shiva).


This is why Ruesi wear tiger skins, in honor and remembrance of Shiva, and because they are also Ruesi like Shiva was.Por Gae is a Ruesi of Old in a higher Realm than this, who protects all who carry or practice the sacred Wicha of Buddha magic.




Kod Phee Earth Leklai Amulet Leklai (Special one) is mighty in invulnerability/ protections.

The characteristic is black color .

It has supernatural power and one of the best power protections, invulnerable, bring good fortune and can help adjust temperature in the body have balance. And especially it's will help to increase high halo and ascendancy to owner.

It is said that originally, Koot Pi Leklai Amulet was created by a great powerful hermit.

He used his magic power to enliven and make the Leklai amulet supernaturally powerful.

Koot Pi Leklai Amulet can be embedded in a humans' skin as doing this can keep them under the protection of the Leklai amulet's power all the time. The power of Koot Pi Leklai Amulet has a lot of benefits for possessors.

For example, its power can support business, bring good lucks to possessors, make possessors liked and loved by other people, prevent possessors from getting harmed by bad magic performed by bad people. Importantly, if possessors always behaves morally, they will get long lives as a consequence of the power of Koot Pi Leklai Amulet.

How to worship the Leklai Amulet

offer a glass of honey put near amulet on private shelf .

do this 2 times / week to worship Naga wand hermit Leklai .

First, say “Na Mo” for three times. Second, cast the spell of worship

Phutto Mea na tho - Thummo Mea na tho - Sung kho Mea na tho

Sa ka pa ja Bucha - Ja Ma ha Bu cha

Ei sa wa su - Ei ti Pakawa

Summa Summaa Summa Summaa

Nama A Eu

Nama pa ta

Na mo Phutta ya

Focus your mind to amulet , ask / said to amulet help your wish .

Respect amulet , amulet will help you and miracle will happen .









Por Kai ( Ajarn Lamyoon Kamnak ) Thailand Legend Leklai

The Best Leklai Master . who invented the leklai respectfully engage .



Lp somporn is disciple of Por Kai ( Ajarn Lamyoon Kamnak )

Lp somporn and Por kai go togather to invite Leklai form deep cave at Surat Thani province of Thailand .


Prof. Kai Lamyoon Kamnak, who is an expert in the mysteries of metal charms of Surat Thani.



His Leklai have great might and are respected and worshipped by people all over Thailand.

Thai and foreign people, such as people from America, Japan, England, Malaysia, Singapore, and China. His Leklai are mighty and blessed, and are known through the world.


Master : Ajarn Lamyoon Kamnak ( Por Kai )

Por Kai with Lp somporn in Leklai ceremony .

Leklai Kod Phee pagoda ( por kai )

Lp somporn with Ajarn Lamyoon picture ( his leklai professor )






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