The plant-based protein for your pantry: energizing, easy-to-use, neutral in taste, and containing all essential amino acids


Being powered by plants has never been easier!

Plant Protein pairs vegan protein from rice and peas with essential vitamins and minerals from 3 superfoods. Thanks to its neutral flavour Plant Protein can be added to any recipe from berry, chocolate or green smoothies to oatmeal, pancakes, and banana bread – you name it!

  • Contains all essential amino acids and 9g highly absorbable protein per serving
  • Developed by holistic nutritionists to ensure the best combination of active ingredients
  • Highest quality only: No fillers, artificial sweeteners or preservatives – ever

As a B-Corp, Your Super believe business can be a force for good. Their transparent supply chain was designed to ensure they source only the highest-quality ingredients picked at the peak of their freshness from small farmers. And each batch is 3rd party tested to ensure purity and potency.

Plant Protein contains 5 powerful ingredients:

  • Rice Protein from Spain
  • Pea Protein from Spain
  • Maca from Peru
  • Lucuma from Peru
  • Banana from Peru


Rice Protein*, Pea Protein*, Maca*, Lucuma*, and Banana*. *Organic Certified


Weight: 400 grams | 26 servings

Taste: Neutral, slightly sweet

Serving size: 15g | 2 tablespoons


Add 2 tbsp Plant Protein daily, in the morning or after a workout to your smoothie, oatmeal or baked goods.


Rice Protein From Spain

Rice protein contains high amounts of many essential amino acids, making it the perfect post-workout fuel – while also being easy on the digestive system!

Pea Protein From Spain

Sustainably sourced pea protein has a strong amino acid profile that speeds up muscle recovery and growth. Another plus: It’s perfect for anyone with specific food allergies or sensitivities.

Maca From Peru

This powerful adaptogen contains essential minerals, such as iron and potassium, and vitamin C. It has traditionally been used to naturally enhance stamina and endurance.

Organic Lucuma from Peru

Beloved by the Incas, Lucuma has finally found a way to us. It’s not only high in antioxidants, but also delicious with its sweet, maple-like taste!

Organic Banana From Peru

Bananas are a great source of potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. They also have a low glycemic index, meaning the sugar is slowly released into the bloodstream.


Q. What's the difference between Plant Protein and Skinny Protein?
A. Both are excellent sources of vegan protein. However, the added superfoods make the difference: Skinny Protein contains powerful greens like spirulina and moringa, and is perfect for lean green smoothies. Plant Protein on the other hand is made with energizing superfoods like maca, lucuma and banana. Due to its neutral, slightly sweet taste, Plant Protein can be used for smoothies and baked goods (i.e. banana bread and pancakes).

Q. Is this a complete protein? Does it contain all essential amino acids?
A. Yes, Plant Protein contains all essential amino acids.

Q. Is this a meal replacement?
A. Some people drink protein smoothies as meal replacement. Our mixes are not designed as meal replacements though. We recommend a well rounded plant-based diet.

Q. Can I use this while pregnant/nursing?
A. We have many customers using this mix during pregnancy and nursing. However, please consult your doctor before taking this mix.

Q: Why do I need superfoods?
A: Superfoods are extremely high in micronutrients like vitamins, minerals, as well as antioxidants, phytonutrients and enzymes. 9 out of 10 people don't eat enough of them and superfoods are an easy convenient way to get more powerful plants into your daily life!