Tabletop Decoration, Laughing Easter Bunny Rabbit w/Colored Eggs & Ribbons in a Pot,  10"Tall, FUN!

This cute Easter tabletop decoration is in very good gently used condition with no chips, cracks or stains. The roses have slight wear and the grass is a little faded.
It is 10 " Tall x 2 In wide (pot) and the weight is 5 ounces. A great addition for your Easter decorating!

Sorry, no refunds or exchanges. Please contact me PRIOR TO PURCHASE with any questions. Thank you!

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Note: Descriptions and titles of items listed by Pearl Onion are based on our own research. We are not professional appraisers and the items listed have not been professionally appraised unless otherwise indicated. We do our best to test for durability for wearable/usable items (jewelry, clothing, etc) and cannot give refunds if an item breaks, rips, or tears during the course of your regular use.