Khao Samroi Yot (Three Hundred Peak Mountains) Sacred Relics buddha Stone .


Product Description



Paccekabuddha Holy Stone

Holy Sarira Pra Tath Round shape

Very good for Meditate , increase psychic power

empowering every aspect In terms of feng shui, trading, work, and finance are improving in every aspect.

Size : 5.5 CM

Weight : 237  Grams .




Cave Superb Relics buddha Stone from cave in SAM ROI YOD

Natural 1000 % Genuine Relics buddha Stone . Very rare and Beautiful .









Already blessed by Magic Monk at Khao Dang Temple in the Center of Sam Roi Yod Mountain.


This is a genuine sacred arahant /arahan PHRA SOMDEJ stone Buddhist amulet. This amulet has a huge spiritual power.

This is a sacred amulet from Sam Roi Yot (Yod) mountain in Thailand.
This sacred stone is known as Arahant Relic Stone as it is a living stone with Divine blessings.






This is a unique genuine sacred arahant /relics stone Buddha amulet carved in shape of Somdej Buddha . This amulet is believed to have strong spiritual power. This is believed to provide you luck, health, happiness, success, power and all best wishes.


This sacred stone is carved from stone in Sam Roi Yod Caves which believed that there is relics of Arahants (sacred monks) so it is a living stone with divine blessing. Please notice the unique stone texture which looks like relics.



Khao Samroi Yot (Three Hundred Peak Mountains) Sacred Stone

The sacred Buddha Stone guarded by the gods. This is the stone of Buddha Gautama and other arhats converging together and therefore much more sacred than other talismans, verified by many masters such as Master Chaiya Wongsapattana, Venerable Monk Kun, Venerable Monk Yid of Nong Chok Temple, etc.

Many believe that The sacred Khao Samroi Yot Buddha Stone has Charmed Metal inside, so it gives out effect of invulnerability and protection from all hazards, voiced by civilians and soldiers living in Southern Thailand. The Stone's cold element also gives out peace, charisma, luck and prosperity. The Stone also is the beacon of sacredness, so the worshipper shall live a long, healthy life. When leaving the Stone in water, the water will be sacred can be used to treat diseases. Aside from worldly prosperity, holistic prosperity also comes along. Use of the Stone when meditating shall allow faster trance. The man who brought down the Stones stated that Sacred Stones from all caves in Khao Samroi Yot have the same effect, the only difference is color and pattern on the Stones.



Sacred Stone originates from the mountain complex in Prachuab Kiri Kan Province, in the form of oval pebbles of various sizes, ranging from fist- or egg-sized down to catfish egg-sized. Most Stones found have white color, like gecko eggs, but other colors such as pottery brown and honey-like are found. Said Stones are inside stone rods which act like sheaths. Some may call Sacred Stones by the name Coddled Stone.

Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone has been highly popular among collectors and talisman owners for over 40 years. There are concessions to mine Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone for sale in various forms such as Buddha amulet or accessories made from raw stone with embedded Sacred Stone. Many scholars state that most Sacred Stone found as Coddled Stone actually have the essence of Buddha and maybe other servants. A single slab of stone may contain several types of Sacred Stone, with universal power and supreme sacredness for the owner.



The mountains, the source of Sacred Stones is visited by masters from all corners of Thailand to bring Sacred Stones back to their hometowns. Khao Samroi Yot is also full of Sacred Stones belonging to servants of Buddha, such as Angulimala, Kaundinya, Sariputta, Maudgalyayana and Sivali. Sacred dust of various colors, called Gods' Powder are also found. As known, most Powder found are crystalline and have white, flour-like color. Some Powder found have brown color like coconut sugar. Powder of different color stay separately as if someone had separated them beforehand. How Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone became popular? Uncle Lai of Prachuab Khiri Khan told that Sacred Stone became known because of only one muntjac. A hunter found this munjac in Khao Samroi Yot area and tried to shoot the muntjac, but the gun misfired, allowing the muntjac to escape. The hunter pursued and tried off a few more shots without success, but the gun worked as soon as he turned his gun away from the muntjac. Curious, he tracked the muntjac and found that it licked water from a strange rock, that looked like a big chicken or duck egg embedded in a stone. The story of Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone spreaded quickly, originally among hunters who plucked Stones out for protection, as the best-known power it gave is, of course, invincibility.



* Buddha's grace of Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone

Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone has many graces but can be summarized into 9 big graces:

•  Gives peace and serenity if touched by the owner.

•  Helps with meditation.

•  Increase charm and attractiveness but not sexually.

•  Protection. The carrier of Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone can evade life-threatening situation and survive unscathed even if caught in an unavoidable situation.

•  Give luck, Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone shall bring good fortune. It could be said that the Sacred Stone has a guardian inside that shall bring good fortune to the bearer.

•  Gives health, as Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone has accumulated elemental powers from the Air, the Sun, the Moon, the mountains and the seas for thousands of years. The Stone has high level of cosmic powers. The bearer of Stone or having it nearby shall receive mystic life power and stay healthy for long.

•  Gives prosperity at work or life. Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone, when polished, shall look like the Sun or the full Moon with halo, a sacred naturally-occurring stone pattern. Said pattern is the sign of natural powers that bring prosperity to the worshipper. The mystic power of Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone shall bring the person to success, whether in life or career.

•  Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone is a Stone of premonition. In this sense, the bearer of this Stone shall have enhanced senses and premonition, due to sense power from the guardian of the Stone. This is a mystical property of Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone.

•  Bolster the bearer's fortune. In case of bad fortunes or being in the year of bad fortune. If bearing Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone, your fortune shall be bolstered. Bad cosmic influences or disasters shall be mitigated.

Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone's graces are various as stated above. Natural patterns and colors are also unique to the Stone. Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone shall give power of health as it has accumulated powers of life, the Sun, the Moon, the mountains and the seas for tens of thousands of years. This means high cosmic power to keep the bearer healthy.

Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone can protect us from radiation, even the water blessed by the Stone can treat radiation sickness, a true natural power that can heal us from human wrongdoings.


•  Believe and have faith in the Sacred Stone, but don't abuse the Stone.

•  Do not break or destroy the Sacred Stone, but carving is allowed.

•  Behave morally.

*Belief in the Sacred Stone


Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones are no normal stone, but they are sacred, guarded by Devas and regarded as the essence of those having mental achievement in the past. Therefore said Stones are placed far above other talismans. News about Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones spread like wildfires when a bearer was caught in an IED attack that killed all his squadmates. This story was very famous in Chumpon Province around thirty years ago. Properties of Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones were even more propagated as the governor of Prachuab Khiri Khan Province at the time carried a Sacred Stone to the dangerous, bomb-ridden area. Be it fate or power of the Stone, no bomb exploded while the governor was present; the bomb under his feet detonated only after he had left the area. The incident made Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones even better known and sought after by talisman collectors. Not only there is a belief that Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones contain essence of many Arhants coming together at the mountain, but some Southerners believe that they are Sacred Metal, the magic essence of god. Khun Suriyathip, an author, wrote about the Sacred Metal. Part of the story was when he went to the South and was told that local villagers carried Sacred Metal, but the “Metal” turned out to be a Sacred Stone similar to Sacred Maudgalyayana Stone. After spending much time arguing with the villagers whether it was a Sacred Stone or a Sacred Metal, they were both correct: the outer Stone shell with the Metal core, called the Sacred Heart. Stones of all servants or the Buddha usually have the Heart or the Core, which Southerners believed that they were Metal. Hearts have different looks and colors.


500 years after Buddha Gautama passed away, many monks did not have the chance to meet the Buddha himself but there were many who strictly followed Dhamma. Those monks emigrated to the peaceful Khao Samroi Yot, as the location was regarded as first class Himmaphan. Most dwellers were Abhijñ ā (Those with special knowledge) as they had to seek alms in town, although the people usually could not distinguish them from normal monks. Unseen, these monks practiced Dhamma hard as if they were in the presence of Buddha himself. Also there was a master monk-Buddha's relative from India, who taught the local Abhijñ ā the path to Nirvana. They all succeeded here in a Khao Samroi Yot cave. Practicing Dhamma here allowed escape from a threat-visitors who would interrupt practicing, as modern monks now concern more about luck and fortune rather than cutting desires.


There were many bodies of arhants in the cave that later turned into Stones with guardians. Stones usually have different patterns. The more powerful the arhant, the Stone would be more outstanding. Arhants did not share the same type of powers, Buddha had one type, Arnanda another, Kassapa had another, Sariputa and Maudgalyayana also had different powers. P ā ram ī accumulates into emotion, emotion into kammathana. Think of kammathana to Arhanthood. For example, use fire, water and wind meditations to create a vision of a venerable monk. Think wide and deep. Practice harder until one knows more. Being the arhanta that could bless so many animals, then the Stone shall be uniquely beautiful.





*** Properties of Sacred Stones by color.

•  Honey yellow clear brown color gives out power of mercy and peace.

•  Dark brown Enhance physical health, bravery and invincibility.

•  White power of peace, compassion and tranquility. Good for meditation.

•  White cave 3 color layers: the top is eggshell brown, the middle is soft yellow and the bottom is white. Once a foreigner tried shooting his .45 ACP pistol inside the white cave without success. Frustrated, he threw away the gun. So much power of invincibility.

•  Yellow cave is lower than Maudgalyayana cave. Hard to find Stones here as they have all fled, leaving only hollows or halos in the cave wall. Color is white and soft yellow. There are both small and big Stones with complete range of properties. High rarity nowadays, and those discovered the cave fell over right when they stepped on the Stones!

•  Grandmother cave Stones here are powder-like white with high sacredness. Those with mental concentration told that there is a grandmother goddess protecting the cave. Found in 1997 and the cave has powerful properties. Those with mental concentration told that there is a grandmother goddess protecting the cave, hence the name Grandmother cave. The cave is so sacred that once someone set up a fire in the cave for easier Stone retrieval and end up in bad fortunes, so much he has to pack up and leave. The first Chief District Officer of Khao Samroi Yot had a Stone from the Grandmother cave carved into a huge Samroi Yot Grandfather image, and placed the image in front of the District office. The image was really beautiful and sacred.

•  Ched Muen cave (Seventy Thousand Cave) discovered in 1977, the discoverer got a 70,000 Baht bounty as a group of Taiwanese found the cave and liked the unique beauty of the Stones. Later diggers earned millions from the cave due to its unique beauty. The outstanding property is fortune. This Buddha image is carved in beautiful 3D style, has sacred pattern with the Heart floating.

•  Maudgalyayana cave is placed very high. Found in 1981. The front part resembles a very small food cowl that only one can crawl in at a time. Stones from this cave have all properties much like Maudgalyayana himself. Very rare nowadays.

•  Duang Ta Maha Larp cave (Eye of Fortune cave) Eye-like pattern. The outer layer is white and the inner layer is dark. Stones from this cave are famous for bringing fortune to the bearer.

•  Tricolor cave guarded by Indra himself. Stones from this cave shall give charm and popularity comparable to Khun Paen, also success in enterprising, career and every wish. Invincibility is also one property. Once a possessed man touched a Buddha image, which was carved from a Stone from this cave, and fell over right away. Really sacred and can be put in water to make holy water.

•  7 blood spot cave is positioned high, showing miracles to those asking permission to cut away the Stones. There were 3 lightning strikes but nobody was hurt. Stones from this cave are crimson in color with high sacredness. Good properties overall.

•  Treasure cave Anyone possessing Stones from this cave shall never live in poverty. Gives out outstanding fortune. Stones are light brown with beautiful patterns. Very rare nowadays. The cave is only recently discovered ( 2010) It's now forbidden to bring out Stones. Only the legend lives on.

•  Flint cave uniquely and strangely beautiful. The Heart inside the Stone will have beautiful halos. The more Hearts the more price. All 9 properties are embedded.

•  Tid Man cave Stones are found in a cave, inside a pyramid-like peak. 10 years ago Stones from this cave were considered the first generation in miracles and sacredness. There were many Stones inside the cave, so Sam Roi Yot people called the cave "Tid Man" in honor of the first discoverer. Worshippers of Tid Man cave Stones (in either raw form or carved as images) usually encounter good fortune and elude all harms. Therefore Stones from this cave are highly sought after but further retrieval is forbidden by the government.

•  Oil cave is behind Ko Pai temple, Khao Sam Roi Yot. Stones from this cave has many properties, including good fortune, proportionate to energy inside the Stones. Stones are shiny with oil-like surface even if there are many halos, color will still be oil-like, hence the name "Oil cave" like Oil power Buddha image.

•  Great Master cave when first found, there was a natural rock that looked like a Chinese grandmaster. There were vines, which when cut down, revealed a dead white snake in the middle. Stones from this cave have good properties overall but are also harder to find. Stones have porcelain-like surface and soft yellow in color. Originally Stones would be carved into thick 3 D monk images .

•  Gandharva cave, a very big cave. As discovered, the cave had leaves laid on the ground so orderly and beautiful as if Gandharvas themselves laid the leaves, hence the name Gandharva cave. Stones from this cave have all properties and are rare. Stones of Khao Samroi Yot have so many properties and considered as the convergence of many essences. Sacredness is supreme with universal power. Those owning the Stones are extremely lucky!!!

•  Pucha ja Puchaneeyanang Etammangala Muttamang


Flint Cave this cave is guarded by sacred beings. When knocking the Stones, the knocking sound would be loud and there will be sparks like flint. After knocking the Stones for a while, everyone present will fall asleep. The sacred beings will show up in the dream. Eat the offering and drowsiness will wear off.

Stones from this cave have black polygonal shapes inside a halo. Very beautiful. Burapa Patiharn magazines of 2006 written by Khun Yamuna for 6 volumes are very interesting. I'd like to summarize it for those interested in sacred stories in our land. The story is this: Sacred Stones originate from the mountain complex in Prachuab Kiri Kan Province, in the form of oval pebbles of various sizes, ranging from fist- or egg-sized down to catfish egg-sized . Most Stones found have white color, like gecko eggs, but other colors such as pottery brown and honey-like are found. Said Stones are inside stone rods which act like sheaths. Some may call Sacred Stones by the name Coddled Stone.


Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone has been highly popular among collectors and talisman owners for over 40 years. There are concessions to mine Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone for sale in various forms such as Buddha amulet or accessories made from raw stone with embedded Sacred Stone . Many scholars state that most Sacred Stone found as Coddled Stone actually have the essence of Buddha and maybe other servants. A single slab of stone may contain several types of Sacred Stone, with universal power and supreme sacredness for the owner .

The mountains, the source of Sacred Stones is visited by masters from all corners of Thailand to bring Sacred Stones back to their hometowns. Khao Samroi Yot is also full of Sacred Stones belonging to servants of Buddha, such as Angulimala, Kaundinya, Sariputta, Maudgalyayana and Sivali. Sacred dust of various colors, called Gods' Powder are also found. As known, most Powder found are crystalline and have white, flour-like color. Some Powder found have brown color like coconut sugar. Powder of different color stay separately as if someone had separated them beforehand.




One magic muntjac, origin of Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone Uncle Lai of Prachuab Khiri Khan told that Sacred Stone became known because of only one muntjac. A hunter found this munjac in Khao Samroi Yot area and tried to shoot the muntjac, but the gun misfired, allowing the muntjac to escape. The hunter pursued and tried off a few more shots without success, but the gun worked as soon as he turned his gun away from the muntjac. Curious, he tracked the muntjac and found that it licked water from a strange rock, that looked like a big chicken or duck egg embedded in a stone. The story of Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stone spreaded quickly, originally among hunters who plucked Stones out for protection, as the best-known power it gave is, of course, invincibility.


Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones are no normal stone, but they are sacred, guarded by Devas and regarded as the essence of those having mental achievement in the past. Therefore said Stones are placed far above other talismans and are able to prevent disasters .

News about Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones spread like wildfires when a bearer was caught in an IED attack that killed all his squadmates. This story was very famous in Chumpon Province around thirty years ago. Properties of Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones were even more propagated as the governor of Prachuab Khiri Khan Province at the time carried a Sacred Stone to the dangerous, bomb-ridden area. Be it fate or power of the Stone, no bomb exploded while the governor was present; the bomb under his feet detonated only after he had left the area. The incident made Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones even better known and sought after by talisman collectors. Not only there is a belief that Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones contain essence of many Arhants coming together at the mountain, but some Southerners believe that they are Sacred Metal, the magic essence of god. Khun Suriyathip, an author, wrote about the Sacred Metal. Part of the story was when he went to the South and was told that local villagers carried Sacred Metal, but the “Metal” turned out to be a Sacred Stone similar to Sacred Maudgalyayana Stone. After spending much time arguing with the villagers whether it was a Sacred Stone or a Sacred Metal, they were both correct: the outer Stone shell with the Metal core, called the Sacred Heart. Stones of all servants or the Buddha usually have the Heart or the Core, which Southerners believed that they were Metal. Hearts have different looks and colors.

Only the black Stones are believed to be the Sacred Metal. It can be concluded that Khao Samroi Yot Sacred Stones are talismans with mystic background and twin effects, being sacred by themselves and have Sacred Metal inside.






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