California Home Goods Charcoal Bags are a highly effective and affordable solution for keeping your home or car fresh and odor-free. These bags are filled with premium quality, activated bamboo charcoal that is known for its powerful deodorizing and purifying properties.

These charcoal bags are designed to be versatile and can be used in a variety of settings, including closets, bathrooms, kitchens, and cars. They are also great for removing pet odor, cigarette smoke, and other unpleasant smells. The bags are made from high-quality materials and come in a stylish and modern designed bag that will blend seamlessly with any décor.

Using the bags is simple - just place them in the desired location and let them work their magic. The activated bamboo charcoal will naturally absorb and neutralize odor-causing particles, leaving your home or car smelling fresh and clean. The bags are long-lasting and can be recharged by placing them in direct sunlight every 1-2 months, making them a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution.

Whether you're looking to eliminate pet odor, cigarette smoke, or just want to keep your home smelling fresh and clean, California Home Goods Charcoal Bags are the perfect solution. With their high-quality materials, effective deodorizing properties, and stylish design, they are sure to become a must-have item in any home or car.

You will get 4 Medium Bags (500g) along with 1 (50g) which is perfect for medium-sized enclosed rooms such as closets, cars, refrigerators, and freezers. It is non-toxic and environment-friendly bamboo charcoal, known for its ability to kill bacteria, absorb odors and excess moisture. Their bags work around the clock to remove harmful air pollutants dangerous to the health of your family and pets. Start enjoying the healthier, fresher life.