New Book , Polish release   

An extension of the basic Young Naturalists series. The book includes descriptions of several dozen species of insects that can be found in Poland. They are divided into categories: butterflies, beetles, bugs, dragonflies, mayflies, caddisflies, lacewings, flies, hymenoptera and orthopterans, which are color-coded for easier navigation. Each insect is characterized in detail: size, appearance and habits, typical habitats and months when it can be observed. Pictorial pictograms have been added to the information. In addition to carefully selected facts, the book also includes interesting facts about individual species, as well as general information about insects, such as how to recognize an insect and what the life cycle of different insects looks like.

The text is enriched with beautiful, realistic illustrations and a glossary of important terms.

The above description comes from the publisher.

If you are looking for some others polish releases please let me know :)