Acupuncture Facial Roller Massager Lyapko Acupressure Applicator 3.5 Ag

The facial roller is recommended to use in cosmetology. It is very convenient for exact and reflex diagnostics. The roller can be used on all areas of the body, but it is the most convenient to influence face zones for removal of pains and spasms. 

Lyapko Corporation is a Ukrainian-based company. Its founder, Nicolai Grigoryevich Lyapko, is a well-respected reflex therapist with experience in this field since 1988. For over 10 years, this company has been developing and perfecting a technology that is cross between traditional acupuncture and acupressure. The concept of acupuncture and acupressure is not new - ancient Chinese practiced similar procedures. Lyapko Applicator is a rubber base with zinc, copper, iron, nickel and silver (12.5%) needles attached to it.How do the metal needles work?

 “High therapeutic efficiency is achieved due to galvanic currents created in the skin, on the points of the needles and between the needles, which leads to an increased selective metal micro-electrophoresis into the internal environment of the body.”

Special design of acupuncture massager eliminates the possibility of skin damage. That is why the applicator therapy is completely safe and can be used by both adults and children. It can be applied to the back, abdomen or for feet massage.

The color of the roller may differ from the photo