Resource-rich Countries: Modernization and Diversification

Resource-rich Countries: Modernization and Diversification

Vusal Gasimli

Autore: Vusal Gasimli
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 120
Data Pubblicazione: 2013-02-23
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book undertakes modernization and diversification two issues of vital relevance to the sustainable economic development of Azerbaijan. This research also analyzes the functionality of the existing linkages between innovation and economic growth through identifying and quantifying major constraints and challenges in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijans economic modernization and diversification away from dependence on oil and gas is a prority of the government of Azerbaijan. Why doesn't a resourcebased approach give a sustainable competitive advantage to economies? The sustainable competitive advantage results from the inimitability, rarity, and nontradability of intangible resources. So "karaoke capitalism" encourages business to generate originals rather than cover versions. Economic Darwinism proves the importance of innovationbacked development as the single way for survival. Resourcerich countries like Azerbaijan should trade off between autarkic (selfsufficient) and exportoriented models. Favoring the first way leads us to a curse rather than a blessing. In order to avoid the curse of resources,a country such as Azerbaijan should tend to exportoriented development.