Test-Anxiety and Students

Test-Anxiety and Students

Murathoti Rajendra Nath Babu,K. Mukthar Basha

Autore: Murathoti Rajendra Nath Babu,K. Mukthar Basha
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 80
Data Pubblicazione: 2013-06-08
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Test anxiety is a combination of perceived physiological overarousal, feelings of worry and dread, selfdepreciating thoughts, tension, and somatic symptoms that occur during test situations. It is a physiological condition in which people experience extreme stress, anxiety, and discomfort during and/or before taking a test. These responses can drastically hinder an individual's ability to perform well and negatively affects their social emotional and behavioural development and feelings about themselves and school. Test anxiety feeds on the unknown, the more you know about the test, and the more you know about your own anxieties and how to conquer them, the less test anxiety can control you.