Adiponectin and gestational diabetes

Adiponectin and gestational diabetes

Naglaa Alhusseini,Walaa Bayomi

Autore: Naglaa Alhusseini,Walaa Bayomi
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 72
Data Pubblicazione: 2013-09-07
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book clarify with details the following points: Adiponectin a multifunctional adipokine? Mechanism of action of adiponectin? Adiponectin receptors.? Adiponectin gene expression and secretion Adiponectin as therapeutic targets.? Gestational diabetes mellitus.? Alterations in adiponectin gene are associated with ?human diabetes Adiponectin hypothesis? The human placenta in gestational diabetes mellitus The placenta is a source of cytokines: placental ?influence The placenta is a target of cytokines: maternal and ?fetal influences