Advanced Composites Intergating Damping Features

Advanced Composites Intergating Damping Features

Alfonso Martone

Autore: Alfonso Martone
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 204
Data Pubblicazione: 2015-01-12
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Multifunctionality is a current issue in materials design, in particular, the fast growing application of advanced composites in commercial aeronautic is raising the need to design primary structures with composite material that perform multiple functions: i.e. able to fulfil not only mechanical allowable but also functional requirement such as vibroacoustic and fire reaction. The development of multifunctional design tools integrating structural and damping features enables a next step toward the exploitation of the composite materials benefits. The requirement chain for a composite structure is formulated by a topdown approach determined by the behaviour of substructures which compose the final structural component. Aim of this work is to individuate and implement a design procedure able to describe a composite structure starting from its constituents, moreover for each dimensional scales the behaviour have to be modelled. The through dimensional scales model proposed for describing composite materials use the formulation of constitutive equation for describe the material behaviour at each subcomponent.