Assessment of the Impacts And Challenges Of Basel II on Nigerian Banks

Assessment of the Impacts And Challenges Of Basel II on Nigerian Banks

Sikiru Salami

Autore: Sikiru Salami
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 96
Data Pubblicazione: 2015-05-05
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

You bother to know how Basel II Accord is shaping the mechanics of risk management practices in Nigerian banks? Look no further. This paper chronicles some of the issues Nigerian banks have had to contend with while implementing Basel II Accord as directed by the Central Bank of Nigeria. The paper succinctly identifies the impacts of Basel II implementation in such areas as risk measurements, risk modelling, economic capital, capital allocation and management in Nigerian banks. As a professional, you will find this paper useful in appreciating how risk management mechanisms could be of help to your area of engagement. You will see how the concept of risk management affects different areas of banking business. Also as an academic or student, you will find the paper useful for your research in the areas of financial intermediation, risk management and Basel II Accord.