Making Both Ends Meet: Stories of Landless Farmers in the Philippines

Making Both Ends Meet: Stories of Landless Farmers in the Philippines

Evangeline M. Guinto,Reynaldo O. Cuizon

Autore: Evangeline M. Guinto,Reynaldo O. Cuizon
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 88
Data Pubblicazione: 2015-06-23
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book is a collection of stories about the lives of landless farmers in the Philippines. It describes their resilience and strong faith amidst worsening poverty. In this book, the reader hears the voices of the tillers in their aspirations to make both ends meet. One story pictures the determination of a strong woman farmer to raise her children and they themselves went to the farm because the father could not be home even on Christmas and that is making both ends meet. It also presents how the narrators of the stories changed their social orientation as they immersed into the lives of the owners of the story. Amazingly, the owners and narrators have unified their dreams and aspirations. Their encounter triggered a stronger advocacy and solidarity. The academicians in dialogue with the farmers is making both ends meet. This book is a mustread for everyone who has been fed by the tillers of the soil. To them we owe our lives.