Values, life goals, world views of present day China

Values, life goals, world views of present day China

Anett Kozjek-Gulyás

Autore: Anett Kozjek-Gulyás
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 108
Data Pubblicazione: 2015-06-30
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The book summarizes the results of a one month survey questionnaire research performed in a rural small town of China. The explorative research compares the results of the Chinese sample to similar data of the European communities of the ESS in six research topics: world view, human trust, satisfaction, human behavior, the purpose of life and human values. The results of the research show that Chinese people are considerably more trustworthy and helpful than their European counterparts. The Chinese are most satisfied with their own country, but they rate the economic status of their country also at a prestigious place. They are least satisfied with the status of healthcare and education. The general satisfaction of people included in the sample is considerably higher than the average of the Europeans. As for human values, the most important value is the safety of their mother country. According to the LVPLS model set up for the structural connection of the value indicators and life purpose indicators, values serving individual interests influence life purposes serving community interests to a greater extent.