The Idea of Punishment in Traditional Yoruba Thought

The Idea of Punishment in Traditional Yoruba Thought

Ndueso Akpan

Autore: Ndueso Akpan
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 84
Data Pubblicazione: 2016-03-11
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book attempts a philosophical analysis of the concept of punishment in Yoruba traditional African thought in view of addressing the various problems as well as providing a philosophical justification of punishment in Yoruba traditional society. It explores the various theories of punishment and it establishes firmly that punishment in Yoruba conception goes beyond deterrence, reformation, and retribution as contained in western conception. The Yoruba people considers punishment as an important instrument that the law uses to correcting offenders. Punishment in traditional Yoruba thought presupposes that the society is in good, ideal and governable state and as such it promotes peaceful coexistence among members of the society and it's directed towards legal order. Finally, the book submits that Punishment as it were in Yoruba thought system is imperative for social order and good governance.