An Introduction to Cryptosystem for Multicast Quantum Based Network

An Introduction to Cryptosystem for Multicast Quantum Based Network

Ahmed Farouk,Fatma Omara,Magdy Zakaria

Autore: Ahmed Farouk,Fatma Omara,Magdy Zakaria
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 176
Data Pubblicazione: 2016-04-27
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Most existing realizations of quantum key distribution (QKD) are pointtopoint systems with one source transferring to only one destination. Growth of these singlereceiver systems has now achieved a reasonably sophisticated point. However, many communication systems operate in a pointtomultipoint (Multicast) configuration rather than in pointtopoint mode, so it is crucial to demonstrate compatibility with this type of network in order to maximize the application range for QKD. Although encryption algorithms can be used to secure transmitted messages among group members, there are many security aspects for designing a secured multicast cryptosystem are needed to investigate. The most important aspects of multicasting are key generation and management. The researchers have proposed several approaches for solving problems of multicast key distribution and management. Therefore, we proposed four different architectures for implementing a multicast quantum key distribution with supportive protocols for generating and securing the transmitted messages among the communicated participants.