Status of Household Livelihoods in Somaliland

Status of Household Livelihoods in Somaliland

Willis Yuko Oso,Mohamed Abdi Osman

Autore: Willis Yuko Oso,Mohamed Abdi Osman
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 64
Data Pubblicazione: 2016-07-05
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

A livelihood expresses the idea of an individual or group striving to make a living. It is an integral part of any development agenda since it highlights the realities on the ground. Livelihoods of a good proportion of the world population are poor. It is worse in Africa where most people derive their livelihoods from single sources, or hold their wealth in the form of just one asset. In Somaliland, the livelihoods of most people depend on agropastoralism, and subsistence agriculture. However, the livelihood status of households in Somaliland had not been surveyed. This study assessed the livelihoods of 66 households in Shirwac village. The study found that asset income ?2 (6, N = 66) = 229.83, p = .000, land size ?2 (3, N = 66) = 45.77, p = .000, land utilization ?2 (4, N = 66) = 166.1, p = .000, and livestock assets ?2 (4, N = 66) = 66.6, p = .000 were significantly poor. Livelihood capabilities ?2 (4, N = 66) = 113.2, p = .000; and livelihood activities ?2 (5, N = 66) = 83.3, p = .000), were also poor and had significant effect on livelihoods of the households. The study concludes that livelihoods of households in Shirwac village were generally poor.