Microwave absorption in Pb-Ca-Nb multiferroics & Ca-Co-Ti hexaferrites

Microwave absorption in Pb-Ca-Nb multiferroics & Ca-Co-Ti hexaferrites

Charanjeet Singh,Tanvi Dhiman

Autore: Charanjeet Singh,Tanvi Dhiman
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 68
Data Pubblicazione: 2016-08-17
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Microwave absorption of PbCaNb multiferroics & CaCoTi hexaferrites is measured using Absorber Testing Device Method and evaluated using Quarter Wavelength Criterion (QWC) which finds closeness between theoretical and measured thickness of composition.In PbCaNb multiferroics, composition x=0.0 exhibits maximum reflected power of 99.01 % at 11.55 GHz and has a potential of electromagnetic shielding. Composition x=0.6 has maximum absorbed power of 96.01 % at 11.78 GHz with potential for microwave absorption or reducing electromagnetic interference. Compositions x=0.40, x=0.45 and 0.55 satisfy QWC. In CaCoTi hexaferrites, x=0.1 has maximum reflected power of 99.70 % at 8.60 GHz and has a potential of electromagnetic shielding. The composition x=0.6 has maximum absorbed power of 97.61 % at 11.9 GHz rendering for microwave absorption or reducing electromagnetic interference. The composition x=0.5 has maximum transmitted power of 99.95 % at 10.24 GHz and owes lossless transmission. The composition x=0.3, 0.6 and 0.7 satisfy QWC. There was no phase and frequency change in the output microwave signal as observed on cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) after passing through compositions.