Quality Beef Supply Chain Efficiency in Tanzania

Quality Beef Supply Chain Efficiency in Tanzania

P. P. Kamugisha,S.N.Y. Mdoe,L.A. Mtenga

Autore: P. P. Kamugisha,S.N.Y. Mdoe,L.A. Mtenga
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 88
Data Pubblicazione: 2017-08-04
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Beef is the major meat type consumed in Tanzania since it accounts for more than 50% of all meats produced and consumed in the country. About 98% of beef is produced from traditional sector that is underdeveloped such that it poses health risks to the general public. Improving the quality of beef lead to reduction of health risks to consumers. However, supply of quality beef (QB) involves extra costs that leads to higher price of QB higher by 300% compared to conventional beef. As a results most consumers can not afford QB. The supply of QB calls for efficient use of resources to produce, process and distribute the beef along the entire chain to enhance its affordability to consumers. This book offer analysis of efficiency in production, processing and distribution of the beef in the country.