Implementation of Blackboard 9.1 (learn) on the Police Academy

Implementation of Blackboard 9.1 (learn) on the Police Academy

Reinder Vrielink

Autore: Reinder Vrielink
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 60
Data Pubblicazione: 2017-08-28
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The appreciation of the use of Blackboard by students and teachers of the Police Academy of the Netherlands is not great. There is grumbling that the use is difficult and student unfriendly. This research covers appreciation of the use of Blackboard among students and teachers on the Police Academy of the Netherlands from 2011 up to and including 2015 with the focus on the educational implementation of Blackboard 9.1(learn). The results of this research show due to the educational implementation of Blackboard 9.1, appreciation in the use of Blackboard by teachers has increased. Appreciation among students has decreased, possibly due to faltering technology. Usefulness is the strongest predictor of the intention to start using Blackboard, and enjoyment has a great impact on this as well. Enjoyment and Ease of use positively effects behavioural intention through usefulness. The introduction of technology enhanced learning is a complicated process, in which a large number of factors and actors play an important role. This book is interesting for every educational institution who is considering an virtual personal learning environment, like Blackboard, Moodle etc.