Formulation and evaluation of FDT of Hydrochlorthiazide

Formulation and evaluation of FDT of Hydrochlorthiazide

Shivali Singla,Dr. Sachin Goyal,Abhishek Soni

Autore: Shivali Singla,Dr. Sachin Goyal,Abhishek Soni
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 76
Data Pubblicazione: 2018-02-08
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Oral route of drug administration have wide accepting and congnering of total dosage forms. Oral solid dosage forms are popular because of ease of administration, accurate dosage, selfmedication, pain avoidance and most importantly patient compliance. The most popular solid dosage forms are being tablets and capsules. The most desirable formulation for use by the elderly is one that is easy to swallow and easy to handle. Taking these requirements into consideration, attempts have been made to develop a fastdisintegrating tablet1. Since such a tablet can disintegrate in only a small amount of water in the oral cavity, it is easy to take by any age patient, regardless of time or place. It is also easy to dose the aged, bedridden patients, or infants who have problems swallowing tablets and capsules2. The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research(CDER), US FDA defined Fastdissolving/disintegrating tablets (FDDTs) are A solid dosage form containing medicinal substances, which disintegrates rapidly, usually within a matter of seconds, when placed upon the tongue.