Hormonal Causes Leading To Libido Loss

Hormonal Causes Leading To Libido Loss

Hasan Alghetaa,Ali Alwan,Tahani Al-Azawi

Autore: Hasan Alghetaa,Ali Alwan,Tahani Al-Azawi
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 108
Data Pubblicazione: 2018-04-05
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book is discussing the main reasons of sexual inactivity of Iraqi's male goats. The hormonal imbalance is playing critical role in this temporarily loss of sexual desire particularly during cold and hot seasons. Prolactin and cortisol hormones are taking over this duty to suppress the secretion of testosterone hormone during stressful weathers. Testosterone hormone is the key of male libido and normal spermatogenesis process. To induce this effect, we used bromocriptine, a prolactin secretion inhibitor, and dexamethasone to resembling the effect of cortisol hormone.