Grameen Bank Micro-credit Model Effect

Grameen Bank Micro-credit Model Effect

Md Siddique Azam,Muhammad Zamshed Alam

Autore: Md Siddique Azam,Muhammad Zamshed Alam
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 120
Data Pubblicazione: 2019-07-02
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

You must be aware of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh and its microcredit program for which Dr. Yunus, the pioneer of microcredit model, won noble prize in peace. If you are not, reading this book, you will come to know about the program. Are you one of those to criticize this program and do you want to know the real impact of this program? Well, this book will meet your quest of information on this controversial issue on Grameen Bank. Grameen Bank (GB) is one of the largest NGOs working with the socioeconomic uplifting of the poor section especially women of the society. The main focus of this book is to determine the Effect of GB on women beneficiaries through the change in socioeconomic condition and empowerment of women in Bangladesh. It determines the selected characteristics of rural women, the Effect of GB microcredit program on women beneficiaries, explores the relationship between the selected characteristics and Effect of GB microcredit program, and identifies the problems confronted by the women beneficiaries after involving with GB microcredit program. It also realizes the attitude of women beneficiaries towards the model to draw a conclusion on its' impact.