Econometric Model For Science Based Technology Solutions To Global Pollution & Poverty

Econometric Model For Science Based Technology Solutions To Global Pollution & Poverty

Madhu Rajput,Ram Swarup

Autore: Madhu Rajput,Ram Swarup
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 136
Data Pubblicazione: 2019-07-10
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The Biggest Challenges menacing the Human Race on Earth like The Environmental Conservation, Global Poverty, Manmade & Natural Calamities beyond the reach of Knowledge Systems of Education, Administration, Judiciary, Media IT, Social Reformers, Artificial Intelligence of Computer Communications Religious & Philosophical Thinkers, Speeded Big Fell Clutches of Political Traps in the hands of their Advisors+ UnExpertise Decision Makers had been resolved in this book.