Work Place Happiness and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Work Place Happiness and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Chathuri C. WImalanaga,Indika P. Kaluarachchi

Autore: Chathuri C. WImalanaga,Indika P. Kaluarachchi
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 104
Data Pubblicazione: 2019-08-20
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Employees need not only to work but to work well with happiness. Organizational citizenship behavior enables organizations to create better engagement and commitment of employees, as it makes the employees to contribute beyond their call of duty and the job description without having any expectation of receiving benefits within the formal framework of rewards. Happiness at workplace encourages the motivation to learn, and improve the quality of staff interactions, leading to prosocial behaviours. Thus, creating happiness at workplace and organizational learning capability promotes the organizational citizenship behavior of employees.