Effect Of Triple Super Phosphate Fertilizer On Boro Rice In Haor Areas

Effect Of Triple Super Phosphate Fertilizer On Boro Rice In Haor Areas

Bani Krishna Goswami,Md. Abul Kashem,MD. Abdul Aziz

Autore: Bani Krishna Goswami,Md. Abul Kashem,MD. Abdul Aziz
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 128
Data Pubblicazione: 2019-11-08
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Soil fertility declining day by day is a major reason for lower crop yield in Bangladesh. Haor soil is usually deficient in phosphorus & majority of haor farmers are unaware about the balanced fertilizer dose specially about phosphorus fertilization. Phosphorus has marked impact on seedling establishment, root biomass production, flowering and maturity of the crop and decreased floret sterility. Due to P deficiency plants are stunted and late maturing occurred that is harmful for yield in haor areas. Efficient use of P is an important complementary strategy for improving rice yield. Therefore P fertilization seemed highly crucial to gear up the productivity of rice in haor areas. Availability of P in the experiment was low due to low pH and acid weathering clayminerological group (micasmectitevermiculite). Therefore, yield boosting agronomic techniques such as application of phosphorus fertilization need due attention. On the basis of the above scenario the experiment was conducted on boro season to see the effects of TSP on the growth, yield and nutrient uptake of boro rice varieties in haor areas as well as nutrient status of initial and postharvest soils.