Effect of miR-34a replacement

Effect of miR-34a replacement

Nazanin Jafarpour,Mohammad Sina

Autore: Nazanin Jafarpour,Mohammad Sina
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 84
Data Pubblicazione: 2019-11-26
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Colorectal cancer as the most common cancer of the digestive tract is the fourth leading cause of death in the world. According to studies, miRNA34a (miR34a) expression declines in colon cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of miR34a on growth and migration inhibition and apoptosis induction of colon cancer cells. In this experimental study, HCT116 human colorectal cancer cells were used in RPMI1640 medium. MiR34a transmission into cancer cells was performed by the jetPEI transfection reagent. MTT assay to determine the survival of cancer cells and the qRTPCR test to confirm the transfer of miR34a to the cells and also an investigation of the expression of Caspase genes were used. Finally, the Wound healing test in order to investigate the migration status of transfected and control cells was performed. The expression changes of the intended genes in the transfected cells were compared with the control cells using the 2??Ct method.