Industrialization, Patriotism and National Prosperity

Industrialization, Patriotism and National Prosperity

Lawrence U. Ekeh

Autore: Lawrence U. Ekeh
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 240
Data Pubblicazione: 2020-07-09
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

"It is the absence of broadbased business activity, not its presence, that condemns much of humanity to suffer" by Kofi Annan. Industrialization is all about business and employment creation leading to national prosperity. This book uncovers the secret behind European and American success and what made the Chinese and Asian Tigers leapfrog to industrialized status. In this unique book, Lawrence U. Ekeh offers a series of case studies and different strategies that demonstrate how these industrialised groups attained their level of development. It ranges from ancient inventions and their diffusions, how culture determines national prosperity, different types of industrialization pathways, capital for industrialization, international legal requirement, Chinese coping culture to patriotic negotiation. The book will be of interest to the general public in both developed and developing countries. It will be suitable for all aspiring leaders and particularly as a textbook for undergraduates and research students in all fields of studies.