Evaluation of White Collar Productivity in Industrial Setups

Evaluation of White Collar Productivity in Industrial Setups

Amrin Surya,Gulamfaruk Surya,Nirzar KULKARNI

Autore: Amrin Surya,Gulamfaruk Surya,Nirzar KULKARNI
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 184
Data Pubblicazione: 2021-06-10
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

Job satisfaction, its quantification, and measurement in respect of managerial level functionaries in industrial setups have always been a matter of investigation for prolific researchers. However, due to complex nature of managerial job responsibilities and lack of appropriate simplified measurement tools, there is dearth of such studies in the available literature. Due to close association of job satisfaction with managerial productivity, evaluating its determinants bears a lot of significance in industry settings. An attempt has been made through this study to weigh up factors contributing to job satisfaction/productivity of managerial level personnel employed in manufacturing sector. In this study, relationships between white collar productivity and its various psychological correlates i.e. freedom to work, competitive environment, recognition, supportive work culture and welfare were hypothesized and investigated. The results showed that freedom to work independently & white collar productivity, are independent of each other. The rest of four correlates and factors like capacity utilization, production & process change were found interrelated with white collar productivity.