Modeling and Optimization of Gelcast Ceramic Composites

Modeling and Optimization of Gelcast Ceramic Composites

Gurabvaiah Punugupati,C. S. P Rao,Veeresh Kumar

Autore: Gurabvaiah Punugupati,C. S. P Rao,Veeresh Kumar
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 92
Data Pubblicazione: 2021-06-23
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The gelcasting technology is the use of an organic monomer solution that can be polymerized to form a strong, cross linked polymer solvent gel. The gelcasting process involves the preparation of aqueous slurry of ceramic powder, which contains small quantities of monomer, crosslinker, gel initiators, catalysts, sintering aids, and other additives. The proposed integrated approach consists of two parts. In the first part, Genetic Programming (GP) has to apply for modeling the non linear relations between input manufacturing variables and the important performance measures of the process. In the second part, the developed models were used as objective functions and multi objective optimization has to perform using the non dominated sorting genetic algorithmsII (NSGAII).