Premium quality fresh sealed Canned Cyclops supplied in a 100 gram can (solid weight minimum 60 grams, soup weight maximum 40 grams). Perfect food for small fish or juveniles.

Cooked in the natural juices. Just open the can and you have a fresh and flavorful diet your fish will readily consume. Canned Cyclops is a specially made natural food for freshwater and marine fish. It contains many nutrition ingredients making the fish stronger and healthier. It is much better than dried or frozen foods! Your fish will go crazy for this food because it’s almost the same as live food! The perfect selection for juveniles or small fish like killifish, guppies, endlers, neon tetras, barbs, danios and so on.


High-pressure heat steam sterilization.
It provides balanced nutrition for daily feeding.
Parasite free.
Bacteria free.
Fungus free.
The practical substitute for frozen food.
Fortified with calcium, minerals, and vitamins for better growth.
Nutritional value is double that of frozen food.
Densely packed to ensure you are not paying for water.
It does not cloud aquarium water.

Feeding Instructions: Spoon out the appropriate amount for the fish you are feeding. Feed as much as fish can consume in 3 – 5 minutes according to the size of your fish. Net out and discard any uneaten food. Store unopened can in dry and cool conditions, refrigerate after opening! It can be safely kept unopened for 3 years at least! After opening keep in the refrigerator no more than 15 – 20 days.

Guaranteed Analysis:

Protein: 13.8% (minimum)

Fat: 2.1% (minimum)

Fiber: 0.2% (maximum)

Ash: 1.5% (maximum)

Moisture: 81.4% (maximum)