FAST PAIN RELIEF – relieves muscle pain faster than common back rollers because it utilizes a much smaller diameter than any foam or back roller. Due to the smaller size of  it can dig into the muscles along the spine where the most severe back pain usually is. The shape puts direct deep tissue massage pressure right into the para spinal muscles to relieve inflammation, muscle knots, trigger points and ultimately pain relief.

BETTER DESIGN - Most back rollers, foam rollers and yoga wheels have a large diameter that covers a large area, so they don't dig into the muscles along the spine where you need it. They can strain the spine and are difficult to balance on. The smaller size puts pressure right into the correct area to release the muscle spasm, pain and lactic acid. It’s not possible with those other devices because they do not contact the deeper muscles.

HOW IT WORKS – When you lay on the roll your weight is pressing on a small area which concentrates the pressure more than a larger roller. The specific shape then directs that pressure into the para-spinal muscles. This is why it is much more effective at relieving pain and inflammation than a larger roller. It just hits the pain spots better than those other devices.

TRACTION AND SPINAL ALIGNMENT –  gets between the joints, it actually lifts and separates each joint, creating traction between the joints. This aligns the spine, similar to Chiropractic care. You may feel some “cracking” of the joints but more importantly this will release tension in the ligaments, which can reduce muscle spasm and relax the muscle. The combination of the compression massage and traction makes this very effective at relieving back pain.