Lot of 2 Pez Dispenser Bugz (2000) New on Card Slovenia/Hungary 4.9

New on Card!!!

Details for PEZ Authentic Dispenser - BUGZ

Series - BUGZ 2000

Ant - Pink Head

Identification European Name: Florence Flutterfly
Six-piece head:
1) Pink head
2) Lavender face and mouth
3) Lavender left antenna
4) Lavender right antenna
5) White left eye
Black, white, and lavender eye
6) White right eye
Black, white, and lavender eye


Blue Head
Identification European Name: Barney Beetle
Five-piece head:
1) Blue head and face
Orange brow ridges
2) Orange left antenna
Blue and navy antenna segments
3) Orange right antenna
Blue and navy antenna segments
4) White left eye
Black, white, and orange eye
5) White right eye
Black, white, and orange eye

2000 Slovenia 4.9

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