PR China Stamps --

1998-2 Gardens of Lingnan 岭南庭园

1998-3 First Anniversary Death of Comarda Deng Xiaoping  邓小平逝世一周年纪念

1998-4 People's Police of China 中国人民警察 Sc#2839-44

1998-5 Centenary Anniversary Of Zhou Enlai 周恩来诞生一百周年

1998-6 Jiuzhaigou Long Lake 九寨沟 Sc# 2854 

1998-7 9th National People's Congress 第九届全国人民代表大会 Sc#2854

1998-8 Architecture of Dai Nationality 傣族建筑 Sc#2902-05

1998-9 Hainan Special Economic Zone Construction 海南特区 Sc#2906-09

1998-10 Accident Academy 古代書院

1998-11 The centenary of Peking University  北京大学建校一百周年纪念 Sc#2867

1998-12 22nd Congress UPU 万国邮政联盟大会会徽 Sc#2868-69

1998-13 Shennongjia National Nature Reserve 神農架国家级自然保护区 Sc#2917-20

1998-14 New Look of Chongqing  重庆风貌 Sc#2874-75

1998-15 He Xiangning's Chinese painting 何香凝国画作品

1998-16 Xilinguole Grassland 锡林郭勒草原 Sc#2876-78

1998-17 JINGPO LAKE MNH 鏡泊湖 Sc#2930-33

1998-18 Romance Three Kingdoms (5) 三国演义(5) Sc#2889-93

1998-19 Puning Temple and Wurzburg Palace  (China-Germany Join-Issue) 承德普宁寺和維爾茨堡宮 Sc#2887-88

1998-20 Imperial & Louvre Palace (China-France Joint-issue) 故宮和盧浮宮 SC#2895-2896

1998-21 Cliff Painting of Helan Mountain 贺兰山岩画 Sc#2944-46

1998-22 Pottery & Porcelain Longquan Ware 龙泉窑瓷器 Sc#2900-03

1998-23 Mausoleum of Yandi 炎帝陵 Sc#2904-06

1998-24  Chinese Civil Battles 解放战争 Sc#2911-2915

1998-25 100th anniversary of Liu Shaoqi's Birth 劉少奇 Sc#2963-66

1998-26 West Lake Leman Lake China-Switzerland Joint-issue S/S MS (Miniature sheet) 瘦西湖与莱芒湖(中国-瑞士联合发行) Sc#2920-21

1998-27 Lingqu Canal Stamps 灵渠 Sc#2922-24

1998-28 Building in Macau Stamps 澳门建筑 Sc#2925-28

1998-29 World of the Sea S/S 海底世界 Sc#2978-85

1998-30 3rd Session 11th National Congress 十一届三中全会 Sc#2929-30

1998-31 Fighting Flood and Relieving Victims  抗洪賑災 Sc#2894

Sell in this package and Stamp Grades --

  1998-2: 1 Set of 4 mint & 1 used;

  1998-3: 1 Set of 4 mint & 1 set of 6 used;

  1998-4: Set of 6 mint;

  1998-5: Set of 4 mint & set of 4 used;

  1998-6: Set of 4 mint, plus 22 mint S/S;

  1998-7: 1 mint;

  1998-8: Set of 4 mint & 2 used;

  1998-9: Set of 4 mint;

  1998-10: Set of 4 mint;

  1998-11: 1 mint & 2 used;

  1998-12: Set of 2 mint & 2 used;

  1998-13: 1 Set of 4 mint; 

  1998-14: 1 Set of 2 mint;

  1998-15: 1 set of 3 mint;

  1998-16: 1 Set of 3 mint & 1 mint, plus 2 S/S; 

  1998-17: 1 Set of 4 mint in a Strip; 

  1998-18: 2 sets of 8 mint, plus 3 S/S; 

  1998-19: 2 sets of 4 mint; 

  1998-20: 1 set of 2 mint; 

  1998-21: 1 set of 3 mint;

  1998-22: 1 sets of 4 mint, plus 1 used; 

  1998-23: 1 set of 3 mint, a Stamp Folder with 1 S/S & set of 3 mint stamps, plus 3 S/S; 

  1998-24: 1 set of 5 mint;

  1998-25: 1 set of 4 mint;

  1998-26: 1 set of 2 mint (China), 2 S/S (Switzerland), plus 1 Miniature Sheet (Switzerland);

  1998-27: 1 set of 3 mint;

  1998-28: 1 set of 4 mint & 2 used;

  1998-29: 4 mint S/S Sheets;

  1998-30: 1 set of 2 mint;

  1998-31: 1 set of 2 mint.

中国邮票 Many China Postal stamps from my 50+ years Collection:

from Qing Dynasty 清朝; ROC (Republic of China) 中华民国, included ROC in the Mainland, Tibet Local stamps 西藏, ROC in Taiwan 台湾; PRC (People's Republic of China) 中华人民共和国, included Liberated Areas 解放区, Mainland after 1949 中国大陆, Hong Kong 香港 and Macao 澳门; Special Areas, included Commercial Ports 商埠, Foreign Postal stamps in China 外国在华邮局, Puppet regimes 伪政权

All genuine stamps of Mint, CTO (Canceled-to-Order), used, FDC (First Day Cover), special stamps, Souvenir Sheet (S.S., S/S), year stamp album, stamp booklet and more.

I have almost all but only one each for most in my stamps collection, some were sold out already and I will list all real photo pictures gradually on this website.

Note: The China, USA, Soviet Union and other worldwide Stamps I list gradually in this website store are my personal collection for more than 50 years. All photo pictures are unique from the real stamps, NOT  a sample photo or copies from other sources and I sell it AS IT. Please check the photos and read the Descriptions in section "Sell in this package and Stamp Grades" careful before buying. Most stamps in my collection (more than 10 thousand stamps) have only one set or only one piece. They are guaranteed the Genuine in my knowledge from stamp collection of 50+ years. I do NOT accept return because there is no way to identify the returned just as my items.