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Ctesiphon Books










EDINBURGH:       1900

Publisher/Year: EDINBURGH, William Blackwood and Sons, Second Edition, 1900.
Binding: Original Cloth Hardcover, 22x14.5 cm.
Pages: 452
Illustrations: 39  Plates of illustrations, 165 illustrations in Text,  4 Maps.

   Please see book CONDITION at end    жжж

Robert Munro (1835-1920)

Scottish archaeologist, founded a lectureship in Anthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology at Edinburgh University.







Early Book with
from Photographs
more about
120 Years Ago

Over 200 Illustrations

From Preface ...

IN the early days of this year I received a communication from the Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina, dated December 31st, 1894, intimating their intention to publish an illustrated brochure, in German and in French, which would give a detailed account of the proceedings of the Congress of anthropologists and archaeologists held at Sarajevo in August of that year. Their object, they stated, was by this means to popularise the scientific results then arrived at. They asked if I had any corrections to make on the report of the proceedings of the Congress which appeared in several numbers of the ` Bosnische Post,' as this was to be the basis of the intended publication ; or any suggestions to offer in regard to the selection of illustrations. They further stated that any supplementary observations the members might wish to make would be incorporated as an appendix, so as to make the work as complete as possible.
I then informed them of my wish to write a popular sketch of my visit to Bosnia-not, however, restricting nlyself to the special object for which the members were called together, but giving glimpses of the scenery and of the social life of the people provided they gave me permission to copy some of the illustrations published in their scientific reports ( Wissenschaftliche llittheilungen aus Bosnien und der Herzegovina). To this the Government replied that they hailed with satisfaction my intention of giving to English readers an account of their country and its arch,-ecological treasures ; and for this purpose they not only granted the permission asked for, but offered to further the work by placing at my disposal any cliclzes, photographs, plans, &c., in their possession, which I might deem necessary.
But, besides the scenic beauties and remarkably interesting archaeological remains in Bosnia-Herzegovina, I came across other discoveries at Salona, Knin, &c., equally interesting and novel ; and so I determined to include a notice of them in my proposed book on Bosnia. I therefore wrote to Professor Bulié, Director of the Museum at Spalato, informing him of my project, and asking a similar favour with regard to the proceedings of the " Primo Congresso degli Archeologi Cristiani," of which Congress I had already become a member. His reply was everything that kindness could dictate, and along with it came a packet of photographs, maps, plans, &c., which covered the entire field of my operations.

Robert Munro
Edinburgh, 25th November, 1895

Contents ...

Chapter I

Introductory remarks - Special object of visiting Sarajevo - From Buda-Pest to Bosna-Brod - Scenery of the valley of the Bosna - Arrival at Sarajevo - "Hotel Europa" -Wall through the town - The bazaars and their frequenters - View of Sarajevo from the Castle-Mohammedan College - Begova-Džamia - The National Museum - Howling dervishes - Konak - Tekija of the seven beheaded dervishes - Trebević

Chapter II

To Travnik by railway - Smart diligence - A great poplar-tree - A thunderstorm - Dolnji Vakuf - The valley of the Vrbas - A Bogomile gavestone - Arrival at Jajce - The waterfall - The castle - The "catacombs" - The church of St Luke - A Romanesque campanile - Krebse -Scenery of the Pliva - Its lakes - Village of Jezero - Tourist house - Primitive canoes - A trout vendor - Departure from Jajce - A shandrydan - Over the Karaula mountains - Magnificent view - Absence of heather - A primitive turbine mill - A Turkish cafe - Market-day at Travnik - At the railway station.

Chapter III

Object of Congress - List of members - Reception by the authorities at Sarajevo - Official dinner - The first meeting - Professor Virchow elected President - Visit to the Museum - The relics of a pile-structure in the river Una - Excureion to Butmir - General description of the settlement - The nature of the deposits and the position of the huts - The baths of Ilidže - Entertained at supper by his Excellency Minister von Kallay - Excursion to the prehistoric fort and huts at Sobunar - Sarajevo en fete - Special services in the churches and mosque -Different religions - Visit to Government factories - Excursion to Glasinac - Reception at the Kaserne of Podromanja - Visit to a Burgwall, a Bogomile cemetery, and the cave of Megara - Interior of a cottage - Night at the Kaserne - The tumuli of Rusanovići - Reception by the natives - Professor Virchow and Ivan Dobrača - Dinner al fresco - Kolo dance - Return to Sarajevo - Farewell dinner a la Turque by the Mayor of Sarajevo.

Chapter IV

Subjects submitted to the members of Congress for discussion - Nature of controversy in regard to the settlement of Butmir - Publication of the monograph 'Das Neolithische Station von Butmir' - Summary of its contents - Radimsky's theory of the construction of the huts - This theory controverted - Reasons for believing that the settlement was a pile-structure - Discussion as to the age of the settlement.

Chapter V

A. Glasinac: Discovery that the tumuli contained objects of antiquarian value - Systematic investigations commenced - Distribution of the tumuli in groups - Different modes of interment - Relation between the tumuli and Wallburgen - Structure and distribution of Wallburgen - Anthropological characters of the human remains from the tumuli, and their relation to those of the present inhabitants - Description of the relics - Discussion in Congress.
B. Necropolis of Jezerine: Discovery - Investigation -Summary of its contents - Special relics.

Chapter VI

Homewards - Across the Dinaric Alps - The Prenj mountains - Jablanica - The Narenta defile - Arrival at Mostar - Description of the town - Its so-called Roman bridge - Visit to the source of the Buna - A woman without her veil - The miller of Blagaj and his shepherd son - The water supply of Mostar - Mostarsko-Blato - The valley of the Narenta and its geology - Archaeological jottings.

Chapter VII

Departure from llostar-Ali Pasha Rizvanbegović and his tragic fate - Another Narenta defile -A city set on a hill - Narona - Gabella -Metković - The delta of the Narenta - On board steamer - Arrival at Spalato - Situation of Salona - The palace of Diocletian - Ruins of Salona - Museo Archeologico Sadonitano.

Chapter VIII

Preliminary remarks - Three periods in early Christian art - The cemetery of Manastirine and its religious bitildings - Christian martyrs -Diocletian's persecutions - Basilica Christiana Urbana - Remarkable baptistery - The cemetery of Marusinac - Christian symbols found at Salona - The Good Shepherd - The fish - Terracotta lamps - Bishops of Salona - Excursion to Knin - The Kapitul and Biskupija -Interlacements.

Chapter IX

General Remarks: Written records - The substitution of metals for stone in cutting implements - The hiatus between Paleolithic and Neolithic civilisations in Europe.
Summary of the, Unwritten Records: Prehistoric remains at Butmir, at Sobunar, &c. - Bronze hoard at Šumetac - Graves at Sreteš and Čatići - Cemeteries and hill-forts of Glasinac - The Hochebene Rakitno - La Tene objects at Majdan - The necropolis of Jezerine -Vrankamer hoard of coins - Miscellaneous finds.
Story of the Unwritten Records: Method of research - The earliest people of Bosnia - Contemporary with early lake-dwellers of Europe - They enter the country rid the Danube - No characteristic Bronze Age in Bosnia - The Illyrians an early Iron Age people - They belong to the Hallstatt archaeoloaical area - La Tene civilisation a development of that of Hallstatt.

Chapter X

Ethnolonical deductions from the sepulchral remains in Glasinac and Jezerine - These confirmed by historical records - Celts and Late-Celtic civilisation.
Roman Times: Importance of Roman archaeology - Investigations of Roman remains at Srebrenica, Laktaši, Crkvenica near Doboj, Zenica, Stolac, "Gradac bei Posušje," and in the valley of the Lašva - Minor discoveries -Remarkable spear-head.
The Bogomiles: Bogomile gravestones (Altbosnische Grabsteine) - Their ornamentation, inscriptions, and distribution - Creed of the Bogomiles.
Concluding Remarks

Chapter XI

Importance of the subject. Necropolis of Hallstatt : Analysis of its contents - Celtic-Umbrains and Etruscans in the Po valley - Distribution of  the Hallstatt civilisation. Oppidum La Tène : Description of its excavations and relics - Distribution of La Tène civilisation - The Gundestrup silver vase. General remarks on the two civilsations - Origin of " Late Celtic " art in the British Isles.


Illustrations ...


  1. Vrandnk

  2. A Street in the Garsija, Sarajevo

  3. View of Sarajevo from the Castle

  4. Begova-Dzamia,  Sarajevo

  5. View of the IVfiljacka, do

  6. The Park, Ilidze

  7. Travnik

  8. Dolnji Vakuf

  9. Valley of Vrbas and °1 Hotel Jajce"

  10. The Upper Pliva Lake

  11. Jezero

  12. Excavations at Butrnir

  13. Idols of Butmir

  14. Pottery from Butmir

  15. Objects from Polada

  16. Clay Figurines and other Objects from Lake-Dwellings

  17. Konjica

  18. Jablanica

  19.  The Prenj Mountains

  20. Narenta Defile

  21. The Old Bridge of Mostar

  22. Blagaj and the Ruins of Stjepangrad

  23. The Source of the Buna

  24. Old Stone Bridge over the Buna

  25. Roman Bridge over the Buna

  26. Metkovic

  27. Spalato

  28. Sarcophagus with Good Shepherd, Salona

  29. Chalice from Kremsmiinster

  30. Ruins of an ancient Smeltina-Furnace, Bosnia

  31. Bogmnile Gravestones from RadYnilovic

  32. Bogomile Gravestone, " Gyanrsko-Yolje''

  33. View of the Hallstatt Cemetery

  34. Objects from Hallstatt

  35. Stiula from Watsch

  36. Details of Ornament on Wastsh Situla

  37. Objects from La Tene

  38. Do Do

  39. Objects of La Tene Types


Surajevsko-Polje (The Plain of IIidze)

Distribution of Cemeteries and Hill-Forts of Glasinac

Bisccepolje and the District around Mostar and the Buna

 Ruins of Salona


  1. Serbian Peasants, Bosnia

  2. Well in the Court of Begova-Dzamia, Sarajevo

  3. Tekija of the Seven Beheaded Brethren, Sarajevo

  4. Jajce and the Falls of the Pliva, Jajce

  5. Sculptured Capital, Jajce

  6. Heraldic Arms of Duke Hrvoja in " Catacombs, Jajce

  7. Uzifinished Arms in "Catacombs", Jajce

  8. Ground Plan of " Catacombs", Jajce

  9. Section of "Catacombs, Jajce

  10. Altar in Crypt of °G Catacombs'', Jajce

  11. Catholic Peasant Girl with Tattoo-Mark

  12. Sarajevsko-Polje

  13. Members of Congress at the Neolithic Station of Butmir, Aug.16, 1894

  14. Sobunar, Zlatiste, and Debelobrdo

  15. A Native Musician at -Mokro

  16. A Cottage at Mokro

  17. Megarnhohle, Glasinac

  18. Exploring a Tumulus, Glasinac

  19. Astonished Natives, Aug. 20, 1894 , Glasinac

  20. In Holiday Costume, Glasinac

  21. Ivan Dobraca, Glasinac

  22. Plan and Sections of the Prehistoric Station of Butmir

  23. Flint and other Objects from Butmir

  24. A Globular Weight of Burnt Clay, Butmir

  25. Section of Relic-Bed, showing stratification, Butmir

  26. Bronze tiVagbon, 6 inches high, Glasinac

  27. Iron Swords and Knives, Glasinac

  28. Iron Spear and Celts, Glasinac

  29. Iron Spear and Handle of Clasp-Knife

  30. A Mounted Hone, Glasinac

  31. An Earthenware Jug, Glasinac

  32. Bronze Cup and Percolator and Skyphos , Glasinac

  33. Bronze Basin and Cup, Glasinac

  34. Iron Weapons and Bronze Arrow-Head , Glasinac

  35. Fragment of a Bronze Lance, Glasinac

  36. Bronze Helmet , Glasinac

  37. Bronze Vessel found on Head of a Skeleton, Glasinac

  38. Shield Ornament of Bronze, Glasinac

  39. Bronze Greave, Glasinac

  40. A pair of Bronze Greaves, Glasinac

  41. A Bronze Girdle , Glasinac

  42. A Bronze Fibula (with peculiar foot), Glasinac

  43. Spectacle Fibula , Glasinac

  44. Bronze Phtte of Disc-Fibula, Glasinac

  45. Bronze Fibulw with two Twists, Glasinac

  46. Bronze Fibulx with one Twist, Glasinac

  47. Roman Fibula, Glasinac

  48. Bronze Pendants engraved, Glasinac

  49. Disc Ornament.,; of Bronze, Glasinac

  50. Bronze Clasp or Hook , Glasinac

  51. Two Spiral Bracelets, Glasinac

  52. Spiral Bracelet, Glasinac

  53. Bronze Bracelet with Secondary Spiral Coils, Glasinac

  54. Group of Bronze Pins, Glasinac

  55. Group of various Bronze Objects, Glasinac

  56.  Bronze Pendants , Glasinac

  57. Bronze Ornament, Glasinac

  58. Bronze Ornament, remarkable form Glasinac

  59. Bronze Necklet, Glasinac

  60. Roman Fibula and three Bracelets (Bronze) . Jezerine

  61. Fibula with Amber Body and an Amber Bead. Jezerine

  62. Bronze Fibula, early La Tene type . Jezerine

  63. 63. Bronze Fibula with Amber Beads and Bronze Pendants . Jezerine

  64. Bronze Fibula. Jezerine

  65. Bronze Fibula . Jezerine

  66. Bronze Fibula with Animal Heads . Jezerine

  67. Pre-Roman Gravestone (ornamented). Jezerine

  68. Roman Sarcophagus . . . . near Mostar

  69. Plan of a Prehistorico-Romano Fort, near Mostar

  70. Pottery with wavy Ornamentation from Grave, near Mostar

  71. Fibula with two Pins from Roman Grave, near Mostar

  72. Iron Knife and Iron Lance from Roman Grave, near Mostar

  73. Iron Sickle from Roman Grave, near Mostar

  74. Old Roman Bridge, near Mostar

  75. Plan and Section of the Prehistoric Fort, Obrac, near Mostar

  76. Plan of Fortification on Kicin, near Mostar

  77. Fragments of hand-made Pottery, do, near Mostar

  78. Fragments of hand-made Pottery, do, near Mostar

  79. Fragments of wheel-made Pottery, do, near Mostar

  80. Stone Chair at Kosor , near Mostar

  81. Plan and Section of the Prehistoric Fort, Kriz , near Mostar

  82. Gold Ear-Ring found in Sarcophagus at Han Potoci, near Mostar

  83. Portion of Necklet of Garnets and Gold Fili,,ree found in do. do, near Mostar

  84. Fibula of Gilt Silver, do. do, near Mostar

  85. Silver Bulla, do. do, near Mostar

  86. Plan of Diocletian's Palace, Spalato

  87. Peristyle of Diocletian's Palace, Spalato

  88. Door of Capella Palathaa , Spalato

  89. Sphinx in front of the Mausoleum, Spalato

  90. North Gate of the Palace (Porta Aurea), Spalato

  91. The Cathedral (Mausoleum) and Campanile, Spalato

  92. Ruins of the Aqueduct to the Palace, Spalato

  93. Sarcophagus (Hippolytus and Phvedra), Salona

  94. View of the Cemetery of Manastirine, Salona

  95. Plan of the Cemetery of Manastirine, Salona

  96. Ground Plan of Baptistery, Salona

  97. Mosaic Work in Baptistery, Salona

  98. Fragment of Sarcophagus (Museum of Spalato), Salona

  99. Another Fragment (Museum of Spalato), Salona

  100. Stone (38½ inches high), with a Medallion Figure in centre of monogram, and Good Shepherd on left corner (preserved in a private garden at Spalato), Salona

  101. Terra-cotta Lamps with Christian Symbols, Salona

  102. Do. d o, Salona

  103. Do. with Chi-Rho Monogram, Salona

  104. Do. with three Crosses and Orante, Salona

  105. Lamp with Handle in the form of a Cross, Salona

  106. A Bronze Ring and a Silver Statuette, Salona

  107. Sculptured Stone from Kapitul, Knin

  108. Two Sculptured Stones from Kapittd, Knin

  109. Fragment., of Interlaced Work from Biskvpaija, Knin

  110. Sculptured Stone in the Churchyard of St Madoes (5½ feet high)

  111. Sculptured Stone from Glenlnce (5½ feet high)

  112. Two Stone Panels of the Font in Baptistery, Spalato

  113. Do. Do. , Spalato

  114. One of the Arches of a Baldachin in the Church of St Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna

  115. Cross in the North Wall of the Church of St Mark, Venice

  116. Sculptured Cross now in the Church of St Petronio, Bologna (formerly at the corner of a cross-road)

  117. Part of the Decoration on a Stone Monument in the Museo Civico, Murano

  118. End of a Sarcophagus in the Church of St Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna

  119. A Pozzo in an open court (uncc Co~te ai ZJirri) in the town of Venice

  120. Bronze Objects from Sobunar

  121. Bronze Sickles (part of a board from Sumetac)

  122. Perforated Stone Hammer, near Doboj

  123. Bronze Spear-Head do

  124. Plan of a Roman Building at Zenica

  125. Roman -Mosaic Work, Stolac

  126. Objects from Gradac, Herzegovina

  127. Iron Implements from Pnticevo

  128. Ground Plan of the Basilica of Varonuk

  129. Bronze Socketed Celts, Grabovo

  130. Iron Spear-Head, Hatelj, Herzebovina

  131. Various Architectural Designs on Gravestones

  132. Decorated and inscribed Gravestone, Boljnni

  133. Stag-Hunt with Dog and Falcon, Herzegovina

  134. Kolo Dance, Nekuk, near Stolac

  135. Conventional Kolo Dance

  136. Attempts at Portrait Figures on Gravestones near Stolac and Boljtmi

  137. Pillar in Gyanrsko-Polje

  138. Gravestones from the Cemetery of Milavidi

  139. View of the Bogomile Cemeterv of Staro-selo

  140. Side and end view of a Gravestone, do

  141. Section of Sepulchral Moriument, do

  142. Inscribed Gravestone, . . do

  143. Bogomile Cemetery, Crkvina, Glasinac

  144. do. do. (Archaeologists among the Tombs, Aug. 19, 1894)

  145. Weapons of Bronze and Iron from Halstatt

  146. Bronze Vase

  147. Bronze Vase

  148. Bronze Vase

  149. Bronze Vase

  150. Ornamented Cover of a Situla

  151. Bronze Sword Sheath from Hallstatt

  152. Gridle-Band from Watsch

  153. Gridle-Band from Benacci, Bologna

  154. Upper part of an Iron Sword-Sheath from La Tene

  155. Iron Sword-Sheaths

  156. Iron Sword-Sheaths

  157. Iron Fibulae

  158. Bronze Fibula and Torque from a Gaulish Cemetery

  159. Bronze Fibula and Torque from a Gaulish Cemetery

  160. Bronze Gridle

  161. Bronze Ring, Denmark

  162. Portions of a Bronze Caldron

  163. Portions of a Bronze Caldron

  164. View of Gundestrup Silver Vase, restored

  165. One of the Ornamented Plates of do

Condition ...

Edges rubbed, corners slightly bumped, owner's name on title page and small book-plate inside cover, browning to end-papers, otherwise book in very good condition, scarce over 120 years old work.



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