The March Brown

Legendary Fly Fishing Dry flies, available in size 12 top quality barbed hooks.

The March Brown dry fly is most effective during the hatches of March Brown mayflies, which typically occur in the early spring. This pattern is specifically designed to imitate the duns of these mayflies when they are floating on the water's surface before taking flight. It is commonly used on rivers and streams where March Brown mayflies are present.

Fishing Technique: To fish the March Brown dry fly, start by observing the water to determine if there is any surface activity or rising fish. Cast your fly upstream or across the current, allowing it to drift naturally downstream. The goal is to mimic the movement and behaviour of the March Brown duns on the water's surface.

Maintain a drag-free drift, ensuring that the fly imitates the movement of a live insect on the water's surface. Use mending techniques to control the drift and avoid unwanted drag. Keep a close eye on the fly as it drifts, and be prepared for subtle or aggressive takes.

When you see a fish rise to take the fly, wait for the fish to fully take the fly into its mouth before setting the hook. Set the hook with a firm and smooth upward motion, ensuring a solid connection.

As with any dry fly fishing, it's crucial to match the size and colour of the March Brown dry fly to the natural insects present in the water. Observe the hatch activity and pay attention to the size and colour of the duns to select the appropriate fly.


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