A set of three (3) Olympus Stylus Point & Shoot 35mm film cameras. There are two NON-WORKING cameras, the Olympus Stylus Zoom and the Olympus Stylus 115 Zoom. They both will power-up with a new battery. They both will load film to frame #1, but neither will fire off a picture! The third camera is the original Stylus with a fixed 35mm f/3.5 lens. This has a broken battery door but...it still will load a roll of film and takes pictures. Tested this camera with a 36-exposure roll. All functions worked. You can adjust the flash modes, there is a self-timer which worked. The small button under the lens which initiates the film rewind function if you don't want to wait until you run all the film to the end also worked. The one thing I observed was that the camera will display a green light in the viewfinder to confirm auto focus distance. If I would stick my hand directly in front of the lens and I would expect that there would normally be a red light indicating that the subject is too close, but this did not happen as the camera showed a green focus confirmation light and allowed the camera to fire anyway. So, this camera does work despite it's broken battery door (you can keep it shut with a small amount of tape) and the cover does open and close with slight effort. This cameras desirability comes from its fixed 35mm lens. There is a Sylus model on the internet known as the Stylus MJU which is the exact same camera made for distribution in Japan markets. Some are trying to get as much as $400 or more dollars on this camera. We are pricing this camera way under that and throwing in 2 other Stylus models as well!!!!!
There will be no returns on these 3 cameras.