Product Description

with  Certificate card  can check at website  akkharathai.
code : 66-10477
Gaurantee 100 % Genuine

Inn koo butterfly calling Love .

Amulet Love attractive lucky in Love .

Kruba Chaichana 

100 % genuine

Front: inn koo Love

 Back:  takruts and magic love gems .

metta maha saneh, niyom!

Materials: 9 rare phong Wan (Herbs powder), mainly saneh and niyom wan.

The making and consecrated process is what makes this batch unique and 

An auspicious date was chosen to mix the 9 wan powder into one, then 
consecrate for 7 nights, and pressed into the amulets.

Different types of wicha and Love mantra were chanted into these 
amulets for a long period.

Master: Kruba Chai Chana 
Temple: Wat Putta Ariyah Rangsri
BE2556(2013). 10 year old amulet

Kruba Chaichana is an abbot of Wat Putta Ariyah Rangsri in Bueng Kan 
Province, the northeast of Thailand. Kruba Chaichana knows deeply about 
Khmer magic. He had been a guru master before he was a monk. He learnt 
magic from many magical experts. He studied both Khmer magic and Laotian
 magic. His amulets are powerful and popular among worshippers.      

 Very rare version .

inn koo amulet Pendant

Inn Koo Love amulet



Kruba Chaichana




 Inn Koo

Sacred Effigy for Love Charm and strong sex attraction.

The Yin Koo is a symbol of love and lust. This In Koo Empowered with the invocation of Taat Logiya (4 Element) and Akam Sam Sip Song 32 Component of the living body. Hence this In Koo effigy is alive. Made using sacred Nuea Aathan Boran

This In Koo amulet is cased up together with a very rare and powerful Love Potion oil . A very strong attraction oil known for its powerful Kama Sutra sexual attraction power and pheromone effect to arouse the opposite gender easily.

This amulet is excellent for improving one's love life, promotes strong bond in a relationship and make your parter more faithful and sincere.

Carry In Koo itself will naturally enhance the wearer's attractiveness and bestows immense charm to draw the attention and desire of the opposite sex easily. This amulet is specially aimed to surround the wearer with love affair and sexual relations.

On the other hand, In Koo can also promote strong Metta Maha Niyom ; Help with social climbing, good for business, increase fortune and promote good bond with customers or client.

Suitable for both man and woman - Gay .



In Koo is a magical effigy of a man and woman embracing each other. In Koo symbolizes love, bonding, strong relationship and loyalty in love. In Koo charms are popular in Thailand for those who are seeking a love partner or simply to make their partner be faithful and "tied" to the wearer.


This In Koo however, is empowered using sorcery that is proven to be very powerful since AJ Poon works as a care taker, thus having access to powerful necromatic ingredients from corpse.

Simply carry it around for strong attraction towards opposite sex, luck in attracting a loved one, increase sex appeal and metta.

The aim of this amulet is also to surround the wearer love affairs, sexual relations and dissolve disharmony in a love relationship hence strengthen the bond. Recommended for those who are seeking for a soul mate, love partner or simply to improve one relation.

In Koo charms is also believed to bring good business relations, improve sales luck, good commerce and gambling luck.



Are you having problems with your love life?
Unstable marriage?
Hard to be in a long lasting relationship?
Lack intimacy?
Having issues with 3rd party?
Cant seem to attract a desired person whom you truly love?

We have just the right amulet to recommend you!

Yin Tong / "In Koo"

Yin Tong is a magical human effigy that symbolize a man and woman embracing each other sometimes in Kamasutra position. Yin Tong charms are proven to be one of the most powerful attraction tools through out Thai culture and has been widely used even till today.

Magical Properties of wearing a Yin Tong amulets are
- Strong Attraction Capabilities
- Help to Reconcile and Bring Back Ex Lover
- Long Lasting and Smooth Sailing Relationship
- Help Attract a Desired Person
- Maintain a good Love Life & Intimacy
- Greatly improve Sex Appeal
- Increase Confidence and Self Esteem Tremendously
- Gain more Attention
- Increase Popularity
- Strenghten Bond in a Love Relationship or Marriage
- Dissolve Disharmony in Love Life
- Maintain good Interpersonal Relationship with Everyone around you

Many more!

Here are some of the BEST Yin Tong amulet made by reputable masters and monks all over Thailand. Taken directly from its source, made using some of the most sacred materials and blessed intensively for a long period of time, we only bring the best for our dear customers.




Kata for the Inn Koo

– Rak Goo Yaa La Om Sitti Swaaha Swaahome Na Ma Pa Ta

(Chant 3 to 9 times and then blow on the Inn Koo amulet)



Khata In Koo 2 ( calling Love )

Om Raachaa Taewaa Swaahome Om Taewee Maama Jidt-Dtang Arahang Swaahome








If the In Koo is kept in the House, then all the family and people in the household will love each other and be happy together. If it is worn as a love charm or carried on ones person, then it will cause everyone the wearer meets to feel friendly and compassionate towards them, and even make others fall in love with the wearer if Bucha is made to the In Koo, and this request is asked for in exchange for Bucha. Business will flourish, money and gifts will flow in, good fortune will come, and life without disturbances. The In Koo is a sacred Love and Metta Maha Sanaeh Talisman which has been used by ancient folk for thousands of years, and shows no sign of disappearing soon, for its popularity as a love charm is still as evident as it ever was.

The Magical Properties and attributes of the In Koo;

  • Maha Laluay – powerful charm and attraction magic causes those nearby to applaud, admire and feel friendliness towards the wearer of the In Ko
  • Maha Sanaeh – powerful enchantment magic causes those who are targeted to fall helplessly in love with the wearer of the In Koo.
  • Kong Grapan – protective magic prevents ballistic weapons and sharp objects from piercing or penetrating the skin.
  • Gan Kun Sai – protects against white magic and evil spirits, defends against Hun Payont, magic spells and the like.
  • Metta Mahaniyom – Discussions, Debates and Business talks or Diplomacy matters will be discussed easily and you will be able to get your point across and be convincing.

and also for your valuable collectible thing .


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We are expert collector and trader buddha amulets , antiques , Talismans items from Thailand & Southeast Asia.
We open amulet store in Thailand too.


All of our Amulets are 100 % Satisfaction guarantee and either straight from the temple or from very reliable sources including dealers and collectors
around Thailand with whom we are afilliated.

You can trust that the items are Rare, Sacred, Genuine and beautiful Items.