Set Phra Pidta in old box full magic yantra around .

with  5 Close Eye Buddha Amulet .

+ 2 Lp Toh powder secret amulet .


Product Description

5 pcs old Phra Pidta in an ancient wooden box /casket   full yantra lp Toh handwriten around magic box .

This is an ancient family.

set  phra pidta ( close eye )  inside.

In an ancient wooden box, filled with handwriting and talismans.

You can keep your personal amulet collection  in this magic old wood box / casket  .

Very rare.

 Very good for collection

Stunning Phra Pidta Luang Por toh Rare Thai Amulet

Lp toh wat pradoochimplee


Phra Pidta Closing Eye Buddha Thai Amulet



Condition: Perfect Good condition

Material: Sacred Powder .

Box size : 9 *13.5 cm

heigh 7.5 cm

 weight  555 Grams .

This amulet is very popular, although it is not very old, its power of fortune has been widely recognised.

It helps release debts for those who have it, beacause Luang Pu Toh gave them to his disciples and say

“All debts are gone”.

It was the holy blessing from Luang Pu and the power of Phra Pidta along with diligence of those who have it.
Many people had more wealth and could surprising release debts. That is why it is so called “PlodNee”.



Phra Pidta amulets can enhance your fortune and ward off the evils. People who often go for business trip or doing dangerous work are suitable to wear this. The Phra Pidta hides its eyes meaning that when we stop concerning, asking
and caring something, nobody can do any bad things to you such as making rumors. Phra pidta closes his eyes, thus has the function to prevent villains. It's for avoiding weasel and devil, bringing unexpected money, investing in business.

Phra pidta Katha

Sha-bi-bhu-dha ba-la-ba-de
Pak-chi-ka-nan-jia-yang ba-lang-ah-la-han
Da-nan-jie-di chi-nan-nak-kang
Bang-da-wei sha-ba-shu-an
Pi Yo Tay Wa Ma, Nok Sa Nam
Pi Yo Prom Ma Na, Mu Tar Mo
Pi Yo Na Kar Su Pang Na Rang
Pi In Tar Read Yang Na Ma Mi Hung
Hit Chi Tang Pi Yang Mak Mak



Phra Pidta, meaning closes or covers its eyes in Thai, also known as closed eyes Buddha. There are few types of Phra Pidta in Thai, with four arms, six arms or fully covered with mantras. It is one of the favorite kind of Buddha amulets of Thai citizens.





lp toh wat pradoochimplee

( 27th March B.E 2430 - 5th March B.E 2524 )


Luang Phor Toh, or official name of Chao Khun Prarachsangwara Bhimonda, was a local of Bangkontee district, Samutsongkram province.
He was born on March 27 B.E.2430 to the family of Mr.Loy and Mrs.Tub Ruttanakon, who had another child named Mr.Chuey , the younger brother of LP Toh.

By the time he was 13, both parents had passed away, and Luang Phor Kaew, a relative, moved him away to stay at Wat Pradoochimplee, where he was educated by Luang Poo Suek, the then abbot of the temple.

At the age 17, he was ordained as a novice, but unfortunately a day after, LP Suek passed away.

As a result Mr.Klai and Mrs.Pun, LP Suek's relatives, decided they would do all they could to support LP Toh until he was 20, at which time he was ordained as a monk by LP Saeng (Phra Kru Sammana Tamsamahtahn) of Wat Paknam, at 3.30 PM., on July 16, B.E.2540. Also present as a preceptor was Phra Kru TammawiRat (Chei) Wat GumPaeng.

At the time he was renamed as "Intasuwanno". after LP Suek, by the son of Mr Klai, LP Kum the Abbot of Wat Praduchimplee

LP Toh was a dedicated and merciful monk, highly respected by the locals, but he wanted to learn more about Lord Buddha's Dharma and magic sciences. Because of his desire and quest for knowledge he actually moved away to Wat Bhoti in Bangkok. It was not long however that the locals pleaded for his return.

When LP Toh had reached the age of 26, LP Kum resigned from his position at the temple, and LP Toh succeeded him. In fact he remained Abbot until his death at the age of 68 on March 5, B.E.2524.

Luang Phor Toh himself was succeeded by LP Virojana-kittikun, who remains the current Abbot at the age of 94

LP Toh was so interested in magic sciences that even before he was ordained as a monk he bwas learning from Luang Phor Phromma who was then the Abbot of Wat Pradoochimplee

After LP Phromma had passed away, LP Toh studied under many senior monks such as LP Roong of Wat Takrabue, Samutsakorn province, LP Nium of Wat Noi, Supanburi province, LP Pum Wat Bangklo, Bangkok.

Moreover, Luang Por Pan of Wat Bangnomko, Ayudhaya province, had introduced LP Toh to Luang Phor Nong, from whom he learned a lot of magic sciences, so much so that LP |Toh regarded him as his principal.

When LP Toh began to join the Buddhist ceremonies he also attempted to seek further knowledge. A close follower of LP Toh revealed that every time he was invited to a ceremony he would touch the sacred thread, and incredibly would know the strength of the magic power, if the power was strong he would enquire as to who created the sacred thread in order to learn further.

Luang Phor Toh was involved in many mass chanting ceremonies such as Phra Somdej Luang Phor Pae Roon Rahk chanting at Wat Suthat in BE 2494, 25 Puttawat chanting in BE 2500, Phra Luang Phor Thuad chanting at Wat Prasat in BE 2506, Phra Somdej 09 chanting at Wat Bankhunprom in BE2509, Phra Somdej Roy Pee chanting at Wat Rakang in BE 2515

Even as Abbot of the temple, LP Toh would spend much time travelling to seek the knowledge that he desired.

Beside the lay people, the 9th or the present King of Thailand and the royal family respected Luang Phor Toh very much. One can see from many photographs of the royal family taken with Luang Phor Toh.

Any amulet created by Lp Toh is well know to gives its owner great luck and protection and there is a saying that whoever owns a Lp Toh amulet will be free from poverty.




Performance Abillity of Amulet: Life protection,Good trade,Good metta ,Wealth, Prevent Dark Magic and Evil Spirits,
Danger Obstacle cease,Charms / Attraction in LOVE& SEX ,Give merciful,without poor, Triumphantly,
Loving Kindness, Harm proof, Avoid from danger,Change Bad Luck to Good Luck, Win Gambling , Wishes be Fulfilled,
Get Healthy Live Better And Be Happy. 


and also for your valuable collectible thing .


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