Nutra Organics Clean Greens Straight Up Alkalising Minerals 200g

Nutra Organics Clean Greens Straight Up provides certified organic Alkalising Minerals for:

Living a clean lifestyle is optimal for physical, mental and emotional health. Clean eating plus an active lifestyle puts us on the right track to feeling fit and lean with a healthy body image. Nutra OrganicsNutra Organics want to take the guesswork out of clean. Nutra Organics cannot completely control the toxins they take up from our environment but they can naturally support our bodies to clean up the mess.

Add 1 heaped dessert spoon to your green smoothie or smoothie bowl to alkalise and add nutrition. Add to water or coconut water and mix well. You can also add to bliss balls, raw treats, or hide in monster muffins for the little ones.


*Certified Organic Ingredients

Traditional Complementary Health
