
Based on the classic AUDIO NOTE Phono Amplifier Circuit.

Use one 12AX7+one 6922 double triode to complete left and right channel amplification.

HI-END DIY brand new reference AudioNote L3 Phono V2, to meet buyer requirements, one scale uses standard NOS tubes such as 12AX7 and 6922. The new scale is an effortless build and offers exceptional sound quality, incredibly quiet action and no special tube matching required. The voice board also supports large film capacitor locations at four key signal path locations.

The structure of this circuit is similar to L3 Phono V1, with high gain input stage, passive RIAA and no feedback + output driver tube. Classic NOS tubes in 12AX7 and 6922 sound. You can easily build a quiet stage vocal without the tube punch and hum. Gives you a very dark background. Phono amplifiers are very demanding on cables, and subtle sonic details are hidden in these magical signal disturbances. So, you have to use HI-END cable to eliminate interference.

Uses tube:

U1= 12AX7/ ECC83 * 1

U2=6922 / ECC88 /6N11 * 1

Working Voltage:
High voltage: DC 260V@50mA
Filament voltage: DC 6.3V@1.5A

Phono type: RIAA MM

PCB Size: 190*114MM

HiFi audio resistors and capacitors components.

Gold-plated tube seat

Note :

Diy kit (Without Caps): all parts need buyer to solder it ,not included all capacitance and tubes !

Diy kit (With Caps) : all parts need buyer to solder it ,not included tubes !

Assembled board:have solder it well ,not included tubes !

Power supply board link:

第 3 张/共 4 张

第 4 张/共 4 张