*** Fully UK-compliant with 3-pin UK plug and shipped from the UK ***

Arzum Okka is a Turkish Coffee Machine that brews and pours Turkish coffee in its ideal taste and with cream directly into the cups.


Arzum Okka revolutionizes the authentic way of brewing coffee by introducing the patented (pending) technology that replicates the traditional way at the push of a button.

Thanks to its “lift-to-brew” and “direct-to-cup” systems, Arzum Okka brews Turkish coffee in its traditional taste and pours with its cream and grounds automatically into the cups. “Auto boiling temperature detection” system adjusts the ideal brewing temperature automatically according to your location.

Arzum Okka also has a slow brewing feature which extends the brewing process to around 4 minutes in addition to cup-size selection and self-cleaning functions.


Other features include:

- 3-pin UK plug 

- 1 year warranty (for domestic use only)