OEM XBOX 360 E -  Replacement Parts

Official OEM Xbox 360 E parts to be used as replacements for any lost or damaged components for the Xbox 360 E consoles. All parts are tested and cleaned of any dust, thermal paste, or other problems that may be on them. We check all cables for fraying and exposed wires and replace anything that needs replacement. Do keep in mind we cannot spot everything but we do our best to catch all possible faults.



Cooling Fan w/ Heatsink & X Clamp

This is the fan in the back of the console used for keeping the console at operating temperatures. Comes with Metal heatsink, Main fan, X Clamp, and 4 black mounting screws.

Disc Drive w/ Brace & Cables

This drive is used for parts only. This has not been tested so functionality varies. This does not come with any sort of replacement screws.

Faceplate w/ control board

Front plastic glamor plate of the 360 E. This part is salvaged from dead consoles and cleaned as best as possible. Will include the power button board attached to the faceplate.

RF Module

This is the PCB board on the front of the console. This board comes with the mounting screws.

Case Screw Replacements Kit

This screw kit will contain the long Torx screws used to hold the console together and the smaller screws that hold small parts in place where needed. This does not contain tools. Torx screws are T8.

Top/Bottom Vent Covers

Top and bottom plastic vent covers for the console. Keep in mind we are not perfect and may miss small chips but do our best to send quality parts.

HDD (500gb, 250gb, 120gb, 60gb, 20gb)

Replacement hard drive for console. These drives will be cleared though due to bulk we may miss a few here and there.

Power Supply & AV Cable

These are standard cables that come with an Xbox 360 E console. One HMDI Cable and one standard power brick.

Again, all parts are Original OEM Parts pulled from consoles that were at minimum acceptable quality. No returns and buyer accepts these listings are for parts and repair. This means that products do not work as intended. We take pride in selling the best parts we can possibly provide at as good a price we can! We thank you for your possible purchase! 

Enjoy! God bless! Genesis 12:3