Fresh Ass Natural Toilet Paper Spray

Made in the USA with natural ingredients and essential oils.

Spray Fresh Ass directly to toilet paper squares to dampen
 them for a more thorough and comfortable cleaning experience.

Using Fresh Ass will reduce the amount of toilet paper used for
a convenient and effective way to clean yourself after using the toilet.

 Safe for Plumbing and Septic Tanks.

A convenient option for people who prefer a wet or moist cleansing method, have sensitive skin, or want to reduce their environmental impact by using less toilet paper.

Made in the USA with natural ingredients.

Fresh Ass spray is intended to be more gentle and hygienic
than using dry toilet paper alone.

 Ingredients: Purified Water, Witch Hazel, Pure Essential Oils,
Vegetable Glycerine.

Recommended 3-4 Sprays per use 

Set of 2  

4 oz. Plastic Bottles

1 year shelf life.