
The anime takes place in the futuristic town of Gha and stars Yga d, a fifth-grade, elementary school student, who loves both inventions and dueling. Feeling that the current rules of the Duel Monsters card game are too stifling, Yga successfully manages to install a new set of rules of his own creation known as "Rush Duel", allowing for more fast-paced and frantic duelling. The series follows Yga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

DVD Details

Disc Quantity :

4 Discs

Episodes :

TV Series, 1-92 Episodes 

Version@Language :


Subtitles :

English / Chinese 

Format & Region :

DVD9 / NTSC & All region code ( 16: 9 )

Duration :

Approx. 2300 Minutes  

Genres :

Action, Fantasy

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  • Shipment notification will be given to the customer once the product is ready to ship.

For Worldwide International Shipment, please allow 5 - 14 days for your item to arrive.

Replacement Policy

  • We are 100% committed to ensuring our customers are satisfied with their purchase. Any product found to be faulty, We will issue new replacement discs.
  • Products are FULLY INSURED (Any product lost in shipment will be replace with a new set or fully refund)

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Customers Notes

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